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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Some fans being extremely impatient by writing off this loan move.


    He's moved halfway across the world, playing at arguably a slightly higher level, still only 18 so there is bound to be an adjustment level.


    Lots of football left to play, only fair to judge his loan move at the end of the season.  

  2. 5 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    I love that Fulham were 1 up then decided half-time to put their most creative player and best player on to kill it off.

    Initially it didn't look like working as Sunderland were dominating, fortunately Fulham stepped it up

  3. 1 minute ago, BonesJones said:

    Initially I thought oh maybe because of Amad Diallo. I'm almost definitely wrong.

    Sent that photo to a Mackem mate and his response was that it's Man-U fans watching Diallo

  4. 2 minutes ago, Chris_R said:

    You just know these scruffs will bundle in a goal, they love a 1-1.


    Wonder if any team has ever had more 1-1s than they have in the last 3-4 years? Seems like every other week. Especially from 1-0 down.

    Aye, reckon Crisp Packet gets an assist on the counter 

  5. 6 minutes ago, madras said:

    He was once spat at up here when England manager after dropping the recently signed Kevin Keegan. Mackem folklore has it that it wasn't an isolated incident and that he was covered head to foot in spit after every game when he managed us. Plus the bit in Niall Quinns autobiog about being spat at by a Sunderland fan when playing for them is an obvious lie.

    And obviously Bob Murray wasn't glassed by a Sunderland fan either, that's a mag conspiracy 

  6. I think if they are found guilty then it won't just be a minor punishment, they'll go for points deduction as well


    The PL may as well punish them with a decent punishment, going for a minor one is not worth it


    Obviously City will have the best lawyers on this, so either it will be no punishment or a significant punishment, don't think we'll get anything in between 

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