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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 1 hour ago, loki679 said:

    Made the mistake of having a look at Clueless Old Cunt's thread.





    5.4m + 1.2m = 14m



    Tbf I don't think he's wrong, he just hasn't worded it well


    Their income was £10.7m, that's with covid impacting match day revenue, once that is back to normal (as it is now) their income will be around £14m 


    I mean, it's still not enough as they would need to reduce their costs further or find a way to increase revenue otherwise they'll still make a loss for 2022


    How any Mackem can paint it as a positive is clearly doing so as a coping mechanism, the accounts paint a sorry situation for them 

  2. 1 minute ago, Miggys First Goal said:

    Whenever I listen to Ando commentate on our games, he never seems to have anything positive to say about them. I was always under the impression that he just didn’t like us, but maybe he’s just negative about everything. 

    Only have to listen to his reaction to Murphys miss against Watford to know he definitely likes us, only someone that likes us would react like that 

  3. Howe has done a brilliant job, the talk of replacing him is ludicrous especially when attaching it to league positions without any context.


    Howe showed improvements, was then backed in January and he repaid that backing and some.


    It's now over to the owners to back him again in the summer and the expectations will be formed on the back of it.


    For example if we sign 3-4 Burn level players then it's unrealistic to expect top 4/6 challenges imo however if we get 2-3 Bruno level players with a few others to beef up the squad so we don't need to rely on Longstaff/Murphy etc then the expectations will no doubt change 

  4. I'm not overly concerned about the positions, obviously we should never criticise or downplay anyone wanting to aim as high as possible, ambition should never be a negative 


    What I'd like to see is a minimum of 3 (4 including Targett) first team players, that alone should mean the minimum expectation is that relegation battle is off the table.


    As to the exact position, there's so many variables but it would be good if we can improve on wherever we end up finishing this season.

  5. 6 minutes ago, HaydnNUFC said:

    Are we not mathematically safe now? Burnley and Villa both have to play each other so they both can't get 6 points, doesn't that mean that not all the teams below us can pass us, rendering us safe?

    Villa have 6 games left so they could lose the 2 to Burnley but win the other 4


    So it's not mathematically done yet, probably will be in a couple of games

  6. Just now, OCK said:


    Aye that was a pen like, but I think most people would have guessed nothing would go against Liverpool today to keep it 'tight at the top'. 

    Yeah, think it was a pen too but the brand needs the title to go to the wire 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Nine said:

    If Burnley beat Watford and Everton lose to Chelsea you've gotta think that will be pretty much it, 6 point gap with GD

    Could do with Leeds getting a result tomorrow 

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