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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 3 minutes ago, Froggy said:


    I don't think any fan has ever adored him as a manager. :lol: just hoped he would improve more than what he did. 


    Personally, I'd never demand a manager be sacked, regardless of my thoughts. I'll support him until the end and just hope the club makes the right decision. 



    My brother does, which is what I was saying. When I challenge him on all the things such as way of playing, in game tactics, etc etc he just says "wait and see"


    Yeah, I get that approach, I guess we are used to asking for managers to be sacked (as they tend to be absolute dogshit) 


    He gets a result out of the bag which keeps it going, won't be surprised if you beat Atalanta and Liverpool but then drop points to Spurs 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Froggy said:


    Is it really that hard to understand why Ole has the support he does? 


    The rest of your post is pretty much spot on. He can't control games and keep the opposition under pressure. We were fine when we weren't expected to win the league. Now that a challenge is expected he's crumbling. It's what we feared, but calls for his head before the start of this season were pathetic. He deserved the chance. 

    Liking Ole I totally get but as a manager I don't understand why he's adored and why he has as much support as he does


    It's not even a knee jerk thing, he's shown his limitations time and time again


    It's fine to thank/recognise him for what he's done up until this point but you should be calling for him to be moved on and replaced with better 

  3. 4 minutes ago, David Edgar said:

    Froggy is the only Man Utd fan who rates him.  Basically OGS's Luke Edwards.

    My brother is a Man-U fan and he adores him for some bizarre reason


    I think he's done well, he was a good appointment for where they were at but you watch them play and you haven't a clue what's going on


    The top managers (Pep, Klopp, Tuchel) have a clear identity, Solskjaer doesn't 

  4. Just now, KaKa said:

    Ole's done.

    He always finds a way to cling on


    Think he'll snatch a draw at least in this game and then it will carry on


    With Conte/Zidane around I don't understand why they don't pull the trigger, he's done very well up until this point but they need better 

  5. 7 minutes ago, ElDiablo said:

    Man Utd will probably win this. Leicester the much better side so far but haven't converted.

    That's their season in a nutshell, not playing particularly well but getting results 


    I expect them to win this as well 

  6. This narrative about top players not signing, us needing 17 players, FFP etc etc is nonsensical anyways


    We are used to Mike Ashley ownership, what is about to come is likely to be an improvement. Rather than signing Joe Willock and then refusing to sanction loan deals we end up signing 2-3 Joe Willocks, that is a massive improvement and what we'll be happy with 

  7. 4 minutes ago, prefabtoon said:

    Oh right so PIF could own us and the Saudi state could own inter, two separate entity's lol.

    Theoretically PIF could own both (Like Red Bull own both Leipzig and Salzburg), just needs to have separate people


    So Al-Rummayan could only be on the board for one club

  8. 2 minutes ago, prefabtoon said:

    Rumours that PIF are looking at bidding for Inter now. thought it was illegal to own more than one club.

    And what happens if we are both in the champions league.

    Or is the idea that we will just be a feeder club for Inter.




    The original journalist has backtracked on it, seems like it might be old news from when our deal looked dead or was dragging


    Although RB Leipzig and RB Salzburg have shown it is possible, just need to make sure there is clear separation, so we can't have the same person influencing decisions across both teams


    Having said that I understand feeder clubs like City have done, anything else would be daft imo

  9. 2 minutes ago, rickyprickles said:

    Be raging if this happened tbf. 

    If this does go ahead then I'm not quite sure what their thinking or strategy is, If the clubs ever meet (I know we are a long way from Europe) then what happens?

  10. I just don't see the logic in keeping him, it just adds unnecessary negativity 


    If we go a goal behind then he'll get dogs abuse 


    If we somehow win then what? He stays on, for how much longer as we know he's shite


    Get rid and we can all move on

  11. I was sure this discussion was had last year and my sentiment is the same as I posted 18 months ago 


    "This isn't a black and white issue, we are dealing with each persons morals and those are times subjective to a certain extent.


    I think we can all agree we want Mike Ashley gone and therefore him leaving will be a massive relief and a joyous occasion, it's been so long since we have been a proper club, and by that I simply mean a club trying to be better tomorrow than it is today. We've been a zombie club with brief moments of joy but by and large it's been absolute misery.


    In terms of the potential new owners, I think it's possible to recognise their issues but still want to support the club. I personally want this takeover to go through and i'll buy a season ticket if they are available, I miss going to the football. The issues with the new owners don't bother me enough to not want to go to the football or support my team. If however they were exactly like Ashley when it came to running the club then I would stop going but my issue with them would be the football and not other things.


    Having said that if the Israeli government were buying us my stance would change, does that make me selective in my morals? Aye I suppose it does. Does it make me a hypocrite? Again I suppose it does. If we are all honest with ourselves there is an element in hypocrisy in how we perceive things. Certain issues will bother people more than others. That's just reality. It's neither right or wrong, it just is.


    What does concern me is the section of our fans (admittedly this could just be a minority) that have suddenly become experts in the middle east and are defending everything, we've seen today our fans attacking Hatice Cengiz (fiancee of Khashoggi) on twitter, calling her a "slappa" and telling her to "fuck off". I've seen the Saudis defend and be in denial about what happened to Khashoggi, I expect nothing less from them but that's not something we should be doing. It's disgraceful and I'm comfortable in saying that is wrong. We can be happy our club is a club again without become cheer leaders.


    When it comes to certain sections of the media (Keys, Delaney etc) then ideally we would ignore them but I understand that's easier said than done so I've no issues when we challenge them but we shouldn't go after Amnesty/Hatice etc, it's embarrassing.


    I understand overall people will be conflicted, if people feel so strongly about the issues that they will no longer follow the club then we should respect that. If they feel strongly about the issues but still want to follow the club we should respect that. If they aren't bothered by the issues then we should respect that (as long as they don't go attacking people that have legitimate grievances)."

  12. 1 minute ago, TBG said:

    Not sure if he's a regular on it, but if not is Darren Ambrose really the best the person former player talkShite could get in to discuss us?


    Caught a bit of him saying we have top training facilities. iirc he spent most of his time here injured.

    And it was almost 2 decades ago 

  13. Becoming Human Rights experts and claiming the moral high ground is just another one of their coping mechanisms 


    They did it as they tumbled down the league and now they are having to do it all over again knowing we are finally rid of Ashley, that's what their hopes rested on, him staying as owner forever 

  14. 1 minute ago, steve_69 said:

    That average must be propped up by early career figures, before managers became more tactically aware. There's no way he's anywhere near 37.6% here

    29.2% here


    That 37.6% includes The Championship as well, which makes it even more shocking 

  15. 2 minutes ago, Kasper said:


    Thought that article was pretty spot on myself.


    If you go jumping around SJP in a Bin Salman mask you do need an article or two to tell you what to do. Because you are an idiot.

    I suspect anyone doing that isn't the type of person reading articles

  16. 5 hours ago, BlueStar said:



    I'm sure one of he dildo twins said he would only sell to Saudi Arabia or such like


    Plus before they look at our takeover maybe we should all push to see how West Ham benefitted from the Stadium deal, I'm sure that was pretty dodgy

  17. I hate it when fans of other clubs try to tell us that Ashley did a good job, it's just baffling 


    However I know a few Derby fans and in their situation I totally understand why they want him, they are in a mess and if someone can come in, cover the losses (by way of a loan) they'll be delighted, the opposite of us it gives them some hope (which he'll crush later down the line)


    Plus Pride Park being renamed as Flannels Fields won't cause an uproar as it has little to no historic importance 

  18. 8 minutes ago, Thorpinho said:

    Not getting into comparisons or whatabouttery, but i saw someone trying to suggest Abramovich was linked to multiple murders/dodgy stuff. Any truth to that?? I am assuming not. 

    Don't know about murders but he's funded illegal Israeli settlements, so this idea that he's okay and it's now that the line has been crossed is nonsensical 


    Football lost it's soul a long time ago

  19. 1 minute ago, Chicken Dancer said:

    Rough as fucking fuck at work today. What a night man. Incredible scenes everywhere.


    That Spurs game is going to be special. 

    Imagine Keegan as half time guest? The place will erupt

  20. 2 minutes ago, TheGuv said:

    Was speaking to Keith P and Liam Kennedy in the Strawberry last night.


    I know they got a lot of grief in here, but fair play to both of them. An interesting point of conversation was the PL signed this off 3 days before the takeover was announced. I think they were genuinely boxed into a corner with the CAT case by the sounds of it.

    He gets grief cos he talks shit


    The "call" from the club was ridiculous and shows how genuine he was and then even recently he said it's over and other parties are interested


    Anyhow, we have the takeover we wanted, it's a happy time, if people want to take credit then they can crack on

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