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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 40 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    Limited due to money? I’m not one saying he should play for free or not look after his own interests, far from it, good on him, but fucking hell, staying would have basically held the club to ransom (their fault mind).


    He was willing to half his wages to stay at Barca but they still couldn't do it, their financial problems run deeper. Only playing for free would have gotten him around it


    He's the goat, if he wants to earn the same level of money he has been, have an easy league campaign and a competitive team in the CL then he has earned the right to do so 

  2. 4 hours ago, HTT II said:

    I’d love Messi to win a World Cup, but he can fuck off if he joins PSG


    He wanted to stay at Barca, his options are limited due to money.


    And whilst the French league isn't great, PSG are competitive in the CL

  3. 4 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

    I thought it was a penalty like, the defender is so so late. It's just a really thick challenge.


    Perhaps but those rarely get given as penalties, when the ball has gone


    Only one that comes to mind is Lacazette against Spurs and in that instance the ball was still in play so understood why that was given

  4. Just now, Optimistic Nut said:

    Top 4 should be par for that squad regardless of manager, though. I don't think they'll get a season like last year where Chelsea & Liverpool are as bad as they were. They'll likely get 2-3 top level players this summer, they need a top tier manager to match.

    He has to be given some credit for that squad though, he got rid of some deadwood and has slowly built it up and got players like Shaw performing at a level he's never done at Man-U

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