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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Employing Bruce was far more shambolic than this, at least we are approaching competent football managers and not just getting a fat prick that loves holidays 

  2. 2 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:


    If reports are to be believed then he had already agreed verbally to join, so not sure why the sack clause put him off


    As for Howe, if we do go down then I'd be more than happy for him to try and get us promoted 

  3. 33 minutes ago, Geordie_once_removed said:

    The issue with Howe for me, and apologies if it has been said by someone before, is two fold.


    1. I feel he would have just about been attainable under Ashley.  So to end up with him after we've made something of a Fautian pack with this takeover is disappointing.  Robert Johnson didn't sell his soul to be really good at the recorder did he.


    2. We could easily end up with a Nuno at Spurs situation, with it being pretty clear he was quite far down the list and his authority and therefore ability to change things severely diminished as a result.




    We do need do accept our reality which is that we are 6 points adrift after a relatively kind set of fixtures


    In addition we don't have the structure in place yet (understandably so) so it's not a normal situation where we are looking for a manager


    If this happened in July I'm convinced we would get a much better calibre of manager but the timing and situation is making things difficult


    We do ideally need someone in soon, so we can a) look to pick up much needed points and b) identity the priority signings needed so we can get them done at the start of January 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Shearergol said:

    I think we can move on from the days of managers with no plans. That’s my point. Surely everyone we interview will do the same?

    I would hope its the minimum but with Charnley supposedly leading interviews/negotiations I'm not so sure 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Shearergol said:

    Shouldn’t every manager getting interviewed for a top job have a detailed plan of what they’d do? Isn’t that how it works?




    You are right but do you reckon Btuce is capable of putting a presentation/plan together?



  6. 1 minute ago, black_n_white said:

    Potter now for me if he’s a realistic choice.

    No chance he's realistic


    He's set for a mint season with Brighton, his stock is going to rise, coming to us is a massive risk 

  7. The timing is really shite, if this was in the summer things would be very different. 


    I'm just thinking about 4 weeks ago we had Ashley as owner with Bruce as manager, we are already in a much better position, I'm willing to give these guys time to get a manager in. 

  8. 1 minute ago, gjohnson said:

    What they've done wrong is taking so long over it. If they're dithering because they don't know who they want then it's on them. If they're being turned down left right and centre, thats a bit different, but nothing that couldn't be fixed by waving a bit more cash.


    The fact that Tottenham sacked Santo and had Conte in in less than 2 days rubs it in a bit.

    Not a fair comparison at all, they are an established club with clearly established roles


    We only last month had a shit owner, with a shit manager and seemingly one person in a senior position (Charnley) who is shit too


    All of that needs sorting, Spurs don't have to deal with any of that 

  9. The only thing I do find concerning is the backup to Emery being Howe, the drop from Emery to Howe is pretty big, surely they could find someone in the middle ground


    Still, at least Howe knows how to get a team promoted from The Championship, that's likely to come in handy 

  10. It's been twisted what he said.


    He talks about not being able to do anything about the blueprint being out there but that he can coach to resolve it. 


    Hopefully his coaching is shite and they keep losing

  11. 1 minute ago, Manxst said:

    Johnsons post match interview:


    “We were the better side in between the boxes and they were the better side in the boxes”


    “that blueprint on how to beat us is out there, and there's nothing we can do about it"


    What? Surely he didn't say that 

  12. Just now, Thespence said:

    I would love to see them clock up ANOTHER Wembley playoffs final loss. 


    I'd rather they didn't even make the play offs but surely even they will not cock up that badly 

  13. Just now, geordie_b said:


    Not as far with Emery onboard, get the the FA Cup final this year, qualify for and win Europa next season, into Champions League the following year 



    Since you put it that way 

  14. Just now, et tu brute said:


    The best was when they were in for Wijnaldum and thought he was signing. Post after post about how brilliant he was and how he would push them up the league. Then three or four days later, when it emerged he was coming here, there was post after post of how he was overrated, wouldn't cope with the premiership etc. etc. That thread was definately gold.


    Can't beat a bit of Macktracking, it's fun to see

  15. 1 minute ago, number9shirt said:

    Unai is a serial winner, top choice wanted him for a long time. Hopefully he can bring Pau Torres with him.

    Don't think we have any chance of getting Torres, we would need to have CL football I reckon and that's a long way away

  16. 1 hour ago, nbthree3 said:

    Can't say 10 when there's no manager. 28 games left, 3 points to safety. 


    2015/16 10 games in (relegated) we had 6 points. 

    2008/09 10 games in (relegated) we had 9 points.


    2018/19 10 games in (not relegated) we had 4 points. Just focus on beating or picking draws against teams around us, we'll be fine.



    The difference between now and 18/19 is the fixtures, they were much tougher in 18/19


    If I had to call it now I'd say we are down 


    However, get a new manager in, try and get 3 wins and couple of draws by the time the window opens, get 3-4 decent signings and we have a chance 

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