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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. I know with them it's not a foregone conclusion but they do have games in hand plus they have a run of home games coming up


    They'll definitely get the play offs at worst, just whether they have enough to make automatic 

  2. 12 minutes ago, FloydianMag said:

    Just spoke to my daughter, there’s been no announcement yet about moves to staff, however due to commercial sensitivities. So possible they could move, however when also who owns the land that DWP/HMRC are on at Longbenton?

    A friend works there and he says they have just been told about the move, obviously it's a good few years away 

  3. 2 hours ago, HaydnNUFC said:

    Dubravka has made 3 howlers from the top of my head that I can remember. And all goalkeepers have them at some stage.


    Spurs (a) February 2019, Son shot straight at him and it went through his gloves.


    Wolves (h) October 2019, flapped or mishandled a cross and they scored from it.


    Wolves (h) March 2020, Ruben Neves header goes through his hands.


    Darlow has made so much more going back to 2015-16 its untrue. Dubravka has to be back in.




    I'm sure he messed up a free kick against Man-U too


    He definitely has a mistake in him and no doubt he'll make some more but he's clearly much, much better than Darlow 


    It's not even close, especially since Darlow has more howlers in him plus he can't command the defence nor is a he commanding when it comes to crosses 

  4. The thing that gives me a bit of hope is that 3 teams have survived with 10 points at Christmas so it's doable. 


    If we can get to 12-15 points by Christmas then we are still very much in it. 


    We have to beat both Norwich and Burnley, then hopefully a bonus win elsewhere

  5. 21 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

    I don't understand the lads who think we're gone like. We're five points adrift with 26 games left. Norwich one their first game today and they're back in the mix, that's all it takes.




    In isolation that's one way of looking at it but when you consider how kind the fixture list is the coming to the conclusion that we are going down is far from outrageous 

  6. 3 hours ago, Ben said:

    Sunderland fans will need to choose between watching 3rd tier football next season or the World Cup as their league is not stopping, even the championship is only paused for the group stages, poor souls.

    If they are still in League 1 I believe teams can still have matches postponed subject to International call ups


    I barely know any of their players so haven't a clue if any will be going to the World Cup

  7. 40 minutes ago, Wolfcastle said:

    Direct quote on the boycotting Qatar 2022 thread, the sort of thing I knew we'd see in the mega-ton.


    "Should they have got it in the first place: No
    Have there been human rights issues: Of course
    Will I watch: Of course

    It’s done now, we are playing there, we have known for years, if we qualified we would.

    Will me watching affect any of this now: No

    Move on FFS"


    Do as i say don't do as i do


    Can't they apply the same logic to our takeover? Nah, instead they'll write to Sting 

  8. 12 hours ago, jackyboy said:

    Very difficult to evaluate how well Gerrard has done at Rangers. Brought them up to the SPL but they were the only club with money and a sizeable fan base. Once in the SPL the only opposition were Celtic who were skint and at rock bottom. I lived up in Scotland for a number of years and the standard of football, even with the top two teams, was atrocious. I have a feeling he may found out at Villa, as Lampard was at Chelsea and the Villa fans are not patient

    Gerrard didn't get them promoted, I'm sure it was Warburton 


    They had finished 3rd and then he was appointed, he finished 2nd two seasons in a row before winning the league 

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