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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Surprised he didn't bring the likes of Schar, Fede back in but never mind


    I hope we announce a manager this week, he is going to need time to work with our players 


    Just got to try and not be too far adrift by Jan 

  2. If it was just a manager appointment then you would ordinarily hope a decision would be close if not made already.


    However a DOF role as well makes it more complicated, it's not a role we currently have so understandably it will take time. 


    If we haven't announced anyone just after the Brighton game then I would be a little concerned. 

  3. Just now, bowlingcrofty said:

    Gone out for the cricket no doubt.


    Remember when Bruce refused to take over Sheff Wed until half way through January because he was in the Caribbean for the Test Match :lol:

    I don't think he refused but they were kind enough to give him the time, then 7 months later he pissed all over them the horrible prick that he is 

  4. 51 minutes ago, Alan Pardew said:



    Was intrigued so started watching it but stopped as soon as I heard how he pronounces Gutierrez (1:06 if anyone cares)

  5. 2 hours ago, Shays Given Tim Flowers said:

    I mean it would be ludicrous to suggest that you go from being sacked at Newcastle United to appointed manager of Manchester United regardless of the ‘good’ job Bruce did.

    But he was harshly sacked by Newcastle, at least that's the narrative being pushed

  6. 2 minutes ago, TorchyTBB said:

    Benitez is bottom of my list, it would really take the gloss off the takeover if he came back.  Wasn't keen on him when he was here and to turn his back on the fans that did love him and pleaded with him to stay for China/money, enough said.


  7. 22 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    They takeover has totally broken them  

    The fact that they have tried to spin it as a good thing for them speaks volumes 


    They reckon everyone will hate us (thought they already did), if we do win something it won't mean anything, we'll be upset when we don't sign Mbappe etc etc 


    In reality it's broke them, Ashley was their hope because with him as owner they knew we had a ceiling they could surpass but this takeover changes that even if we get relegated

  8. 1 hour ago, Stifler said:

    Aye, he hit the nail on the head last week about how it’s not our fault the Saudi’s bought is and how it’s better we are at the same table as them then keeping them at arms length. He also spoke well against the ESL, but on the other hand he was firmly in agreement with Project Big Picture which would have caused more damage to English football than either our takeover or the ESL.


    From what I recall I thought he spoke quite well about it 

  9. 27 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

    Aye I played with a kid who was named a couple of times on Blue’s bench. Basically impossible to play against him, that’s Salah at elite level. He’s got to be a ballon d’or winner. Has to be. 

    He's always been class but he's recently just took it up another level, don't think he took losing out on POTM to Ronaldo too well


    In terms of Ballon D'Or I think the voting for this year has stopped so think he'll miss out this year but hopefully he can continue this form as he'll run away with it next year

  10. Ole won't quit and he won't get sacked (not yet at least).


    He'll get a decent result soon enough which will buy him some time


    It's the can being kicked down the road. They should get rid and bring Conte in

  11. 11 minutes ago, Rich said:

    Anyone have a handle on how much Man Utd have spent since Ferguson to be in such a constantly hilarious state?

    I'm sure they've spent a billion


    People lay into City and Pep for spending loads (understandably so), Man-U since Fergie aren't too far behind and have nothing to show for it in comparison to City

  12. 3 hours ago, Rich said:

    Aye, us. Three years ago we took 3 draws from the first 10. :lol:

    The fixtures were tougher then from what I recall 


    This time we've had a kind fixture list


    We are very much in trouble, key is to ensure the gap is no more than 5 points come January.  Some smart investment and we'll be in with a chance.

  13. 10 minutes ago, nbthree3 said:



    Newcastle and Manchester City are unhappy at being targeted by the rest of the Premier League after the chief executive of another club this week called for curbs on investment from companies specifically from the Gulf.

    Sportsmail has learned that the explicit geopolitical reference to funding from the region came in an email sent to the other clubs before the emergency Premier League meeting on Monday, at which they voted to introduce a one-month ban on sponsorship involving related parties.

    Newcastle voted against the proposal and City abstained, due to doubts over whether the ban is legally enforceable and the speed with which the restriction was being introduced.


    The tone of some of the other correspondence between the clubs this week also raised eyebrows, particularly the tendency to lump Newcastle and City together due to their ownership groups — Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi respectively. 

    Absolutely ludicrous that


    The clubs in their fear have completely lost the plot.  I'm no legal expert but I don't see how any of this holds up


    First you have the absurd restriction of sponsorship and then you get a bit of casual racism thrown into the mix

  14. 16 minutes ago, Newcastle Fan said:

    Pointless though as its harmless and doesn't really offend Arabs, it was making news here on the GCC and everyone was having a good laugh about it.

    I understand why they've done it though, they don't want to clash with kick it out so this statement covers that 

  15. 2 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    The cheek of the other PL clubs whinging saying the new owners should have been there and voted it in too. :lol:

    Also they like Lee, of course they do, because he is Ashley's puppet and they loved it when we were a club that didn't try 


    I hope the PL legal team tell all the clubs they need to back down 

  16. Not sure if the details were released but if (unlikely if) the club decided to say fuck them, we'll go ahead with the sponsorship anyway.  I assume expulsion from the league or points deduction would be the punishment?

  17. 3 hours ago, TK-421 said:

    I know the idea was seemingly to have 'Vision 2030' as the prominent club/shirt sponsor, and presumably be highly paid for it, but can we not just have that as a sleeve sponsor or something, and just be paid the 'market rate' for that, and then be paid our 'main' sponsors fee from the airline or whatever for the front of shirt / stadium name?




    If Vision 2030 has links to PIF then we can't have that based on what the 18 clubs have voted for.


    The issue isn't even about market rate they have voted to ban any sponsorship with links, which is ludicrous and hopefully a half decent lawyer rips it apart 

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