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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Triple captain at this stage?


    I've spent 4 points to bring in Kane for Aguero and Son for Mane. Hope it pays off.


    Aye. What other better chances are left than Kane at home to Cardiff? Same, I spent 4 bringing in Kane and pogba for silva and Aguero.


    Always worth saving triple captain for the double gameweek

  2. Are people actually trying to say Rafa should get the boot? If so, fuck right off, man. Utter fucking mongs. Deserve all they get the fucking cretins. What an embarrassment.


    Sadly some absolute weapons are saying that, got into a conversation with someone on twitter trying to suggest he's not been hard done by when it comes to investment and also that he didn't do well last season.


    Another suggesting he should be replaced with Howe. As if Howe would leave a well run club that fully supports him to our shitshow

  3. If it's bollocks Kenyon will come and deny it you would think.

    Unless he's happy to play along just to be relevant again?


    Aye, i suppose. You would hope he's not that much of an arsehole i guess.

    Previously involved with Man-U and Chelsea, I think it's a safe bet that he's an arsehole.


    Last year the Staveley talks got my hopes up, won't be happening again.


    There will come a time when Ashley will be serious about selling, it's just not now.

  4. If it is as is being reported then Djilibodji and N'dong are absolutely thick. I understand playing for Sunderland must be awful BUT surely it's better to just turn up and go through the motions, plenty of players have done that.


    To just not turn up and think they'll get away with it is absurd.


    Too absurd to be entirely true possibly..........

    We're only getting one side of the story so far and everyone knows The Don loves playing to the crowd.

    Yeah, that's definitely possible, he (same with Methven) knows how to get the fans going and the Mackems I know are buzzing at the club "putting players in their place".


    I guess time will tell if there is anything dodgy about it then the players will take this further.

  5. If it is as is being reported then Djilibodji and N'dong are absolutely thick. I understand playing for Sunderland must be awful BUT surely it's better to just turn up and go through the motions, plenty of players have done that.


    To just not turn up and think they'll get away with it is absurd.

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