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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. With Dubravka, when he signed we were a relegation battle team and the last time he played for us consistently we were a team simply looking to stay in the division and he looked more than fine


    When you are such a side then you are winning around 12 games per season and losing around 16 games, the amount of good games he needs to have are less, because you are only looking at winning 1 out of 3 games or thereabouts


    We now need to be looking close to 20 wins and the losses have to be single digits, we are a different team and it clearly shows we've left him behind. I also think not playing for the previous 18 months has caused him to drop even further behind


    Those thinking he's more than fine are probably still remembering the Dubravka we signed and the club we were when he signed but we have moved on from that



  2. Whilst he hasn't made absolute howlers where he was the sole blame (think Onana) but of the 9 goals conceded there's a chunk where I think surely he should be doing better


    Of course others should be blamed for letting it get to that situation but then he doesn't make the save a decent keeper should


    The Chukwueze goal, on first viewing I'm thinking it's went right in the corner but I see the replay and it's went more above him and he's barely got himself off the ground


    Karius probably isn't the answer either so we'll have to stick with him but the club absolutely need to get a keeper in January otherwise he'll not save us points

  3. The problem is we have some people that think because we finished 4th last season then we need to finish at least 4th again this year, then 3rd and so and in their mind that is how progress works


    However the reality of progress when it comes to football is very different because we are dealing with a new set of challenges and a moving competition where other teams can and do improve


    Whilst our league position may well drop from last season this can still very much be a season of progress but we may not realise it immediately


    The CL games have been an amazing experience for us and I've no doubt Howe has learnt a lot about the competition and how to approach the challenge of game after game


    Our injury situation has made this difficult, I genuinely believe a "normal" injury situation and we would be going through and despite that if it wasn't for an egregious refereeing decision we would still have some European football


    And finally I do think Howe will have learnt a lot about his squad, he'll know the ceiling of certain individuals and I hope he is ruthless when the time comes with some of them. If we want to compete with the big boys then the reality is the quality of the squad needs to jump, Howe has improved players a lot, we've seen that but a number of them have hit their ceiling and it's time to leave them behind otherwise we'll be left behind

  4. 4 minutes ago, duo said:

    Miggy grafts, tracks back, makes runs - he deserves no criticism. 


    There is a general discussion to be had, he has 6 Premier League assists, not this season or since the start of last season but since he joined this club


    Pedro Neto has 7 this season alone and he's missed a chunk due to injury 

  5. At 1-1 we had a decision to make, keep going and take the risk to get CL but know that could hurt us and be out of Europe all together


    Howe and the club have ambitions of being the best, clubs that are the best and want to be the best would take that risk every single time, no doubts about it


    And I'm totally cool with that approach because I want us to be the best, if you have a more risk averse attitude then to me that shows we are settling and I don't want a manager/ownership that wants to settle


    I get there will be people that think differently and ultimately that's their prerogative 


  6. I love the guy and love what he's brought to the team and it feels like putting a puppy down but it's time


    Next season we need a starting winger that's a level above


    Miggy has 6 PL assists for us, that's 1 for each season he has been at the club 

  7. His days of winning serious things is done, especially in the Premier League 


    That style of football doesn't get you very far in this league


    Also, those rumours are nonsense anyway cos Howe isn't going anywhere

  8. 1 minute ago, Yorkie said:

    Caught up with MotD and, viewing it with the emotional dust having settled somewhat, quite enjoyed Micah Richards' analysis of the full-backs. I thought Udogie was excellent at the time and clearly he was; this tactic of shunting the full-backs into centre-mid in possession is really interesting. Fair play to Spurs, really; outdone us everywhere (assisted by our levels obviously) and they really exploited our weaknesses. 


    We'll shit em at St James' like.

     I bloody hope so


    My Spurs supporting cousin sent me a message after the game gloating. For added context I didn't send any messages when we beat them twice last season 



  9. 1 hour ago, Lush Vlad said:

    I listened to the clip. He did moan about it and then say about we’re grown men, we move on at the end. But that doesn’t really take away from the fact he was just whinging about it and I thought he came across poorly in doing so. Just don’t answer the question. 



    Plus Wilson gets in the keepers faces all the time, we all talk about how much of a shithouse he is and we love him for it 


    When you do that, then expect it in return, talking about respect and behaviour is strange when he goes on the way he does


    Just like some of our fans complaining about Pickford responding after he gets dogs abuse all game


    If you dish out stuff, don't complain when you get it in return 

  10. 16 minutes ago, ilikenewcastle said:

    I don't agree that Ederson is better unless you place too much value on a keeper's ability to kick a ball (which most people do tbf).

    Yeah, distribution Ederson is on another planet to Pope but every other aspect Pope is ahead of him 



  11. He's been good for us but I'm at that point where I badly want a quality RW


    I don't expect him to get it right all the time but he gets it wrong far too many times, and that pass he plays to Trippier which is often closer to the full back is getting tiresome to watch


    I love his effort and there may come a time where we miss that but give me someone that makes the right decions and also can use both feet

  12. I wasn't overly worried about him being keeper whilst Pope is out


    However the last two games have shown either we've improved beyond his level and/or he's gotten worse in the last 18 months where he hasn't been playing 


    I'm not even sure Karius is the answer but in January it's something we should be looking to address 

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