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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Surprised that Demba Ba isn't receiving a bit more criticism here. (And criticism is what it should be. He's not deserving of some daft abuse.)


    Why exactly is he leaving? He's playing in his favoured position and is scoring goals. Alright, maybe we're not preforming well as a team, but so what? He's part of  that team.


    People mentioning that he was a free transfer and therefore we should be grateful for what he did for us (agree with that part), but let's just remember that it was Ba on the phone who was pleading with Pardew to sign him-up for NUFC. The favour is mutual, imo.


    Why should he be receiving more criticism? He doesn't owe us anything and he has given his all when playing for us


    I don't like this attitude of having a go at players that leave (it's different when they are cunts like Duff, Owen etc)


    We happily accept players that ditch their previous clubs so we have to begrudgingly accept players will do that to us. All I personally want is 100% from the player whilst playing for us

  2. Gutted if he leaves BUT it is out of our hands and at least the whole transfer nonsense will be over and done with


    He has been brilliant for us and that is what I will remember


    Not too sure Chelsea is that wise a choice, can't see him playing too often

  3. @OptaJoe 99 - Cheik Tiote attempted more passes today than any other player ever from a visiting Premier League team at the Emirates Stadium. Pass.


    Yeah. Attempted.


    Completed most of them


    His problem is holding onto the ball too long, for the goal he could have played a simple pass to Bigi instead he held onto it and lost it

  4. The moment that sums up how turd he is was when Tiote passed the ball to him from about 20 yards, at a moderate pace and he failed to control it and conceded a throw in, he then makes a point to Tiote that it was a daft pass. Horrid footballer and it's a disgrace we haven't upgraded

  5. Why are there two back to back anyway? Can you imagine if there was another European Championship next summer like?


    They are doing it this way so they don't have an ANC in a World Cup year


    It is a joke that they have this every 2 years

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