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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. We happily worship and treat players like angels that leave their clubs to join us for money yet when they leave us they are the devil incarnate


    We sadly have to accept where we are on the footballing food chain

  2. I dunno how they have the cheek to complain really, these clubs exploit loopholes to sign players all the time and rip off smaller clubs. We have done ourselves.


    Was delighted when Pogba f***ed off to Juve, looks a real talent and they can't complain as they took him in a less than respectable manner in the first place.


    So true, when my Man-U supporting brother (yeah I know  :idiot2: :idiot2: ) complained about Pogba going to Juve I just laughed, a lot


  3. Not confident we will get a centre back from those comments.


    Sounds like he is asking 'too much' just to replace Ba and get Debuchy :(


    Looks like they will gamble on Saylor remaining fit BUT we all know that isn't going to happen

  4. I think we all feel like that, tbh. Speaks volumes about him as a player that there's this much criticism/dislike for him while everyone acknowledges that he's a good bloke with a professional attitude.

    My sentiments exactly. I really like the guy but he is Andy o'brien in disguise. At his best he has good judgement and aerial presence. Unfortunately his lack of pace is always exposed which causes him to panic, shirt pull and make rash challenges. Must be replaced in the summer. Will hopefully be 4 choice until then.


    Both crap footballers BUT at least Andy O'Brien wasn't this weak, especially when it came to heading the ball out

  5. Let's see what he's got to say for himself in the post-match interview...will he admit we're in a relegation dogfight now?


    He was talking out of his arse before the game defending the decision to start with Shola and putting Cisse on the wing, expect more shite to come out of his mouth now

  6. Can't wait, this will improve us so much


    Lately teams have left the right side of the pitch open knowing Simpson is not a threat, they won't be able to do that now and in turn Santon should get a bit more freedom down the left. Exciting times ahead  :frantic:

  7. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/newcastle-united/9773500/Chelsea-and-Demba-Bas-agents-locked-in-2m-stand-off-over-move-from-Newcastle-United.html

    Chelsea and Demba Ba's agents locked in £2m stand-off over move from Newcastle United

    Demba Ba’s £7 million move to Chelsea has been held up over the club’s refusal to pay his agents the £2 million in fees they are demanding.


    By Jason Burt and Luke Edwards


    11:00PM GMT 31 Dec 2012



    As an increasingly agitated Alan Pardew called on Ba to issue a declaration of loyalty to Newcastle, the striker’s representatives had reached a stand-off in negotiations with Chelsea caused both by the demand for agents’ payments and a significant gap in the wages being sought by the 27 year-old and those being offered by Chelsea.


    Telegraph Sport revealed on Sunday that Chelsea had emerged as the favourites to sign Ba from Newcastle United and talks opened on Sunday evening with his advisers, which they later described as “unproductive”.


    Ba has a £7 million release clause in his contract at Newcastle United, of which he is significantly due £2.5 million. In addition the player wants wages of £70,000 a week, plus bonuses, and his agents want to share fees of £2 million.


    Chelsea offered Ba significantly less than £70,000 a week and have also, so far, refused to meet his agents’ demands. Instead they have offered a standard five per cent of Ba’s contract.


    The Premier League club had hoped to resume negotiations yesterday but were told that no talks would take place for the next few days as Ba considered other options.


    The expectation, according to sources close to the deal, is that both sides are involved in a game of brinkmanship although Chelsea have shocked Ba’s advisers by their refusal to meet their demands.


    Despite the stand-off it is, nevertheless, still expected that Ba will join Chelsea during the January transfer window but, as expected, Arsenal have also now entered the bidding.


    Pardew was highly critical of Ba’s “representatives” and called on the player to reject any move away from St James’s Park, claiming he should show the same loyalty to Newcastle which they have shown him.


    “I think it’s difficult for our fans to really feel that Demba is solid with the team and everything else that’s going on,” said Pardew.


    “When he’s played he’s always represented his full commitment to the team and I do think he’s slightly becoming a victim of a few sharks around him.


    “But, having said that, our fans want loyalty. This is a big club and I think he needs to make a statement at some point.


    “He could end all this by saying he wants to stay because somebody is talking to other clubs on his behalf.


    “Demba is as mentally strong a player as I have come across. He’s had to cope with his injury earlier in his career and disappointments with the way some clubs have treated him.


    “He can’t be disappointed with the way we’ve treated him. We’ve been brilliant for him and therefore I hope he rewards us by staying with us for the next couple of years.


    “I think he needs, in this window, to make a decision fairly early. I think for everyone’s sake, most of all himself. Especially for our fans – they need to know he’s going to be with us to the summer or not. We need to know as well, we need to make sure that we have a replacement ready if he leaves.


    “He needs to give a message of some description. We’re in an important stage of the season for us. We had a terrible result against Arsenal, we need to turn that around.”


    Ba’s advisers believe they are justified in demanding the £2 million in fees given their client is available for £7 million and Chelsea are in the process of selling Daniel Sturridge to Liverpool for £12 million.


    There was also some interest in Ba from Tottenham Hotspur but, as things stand, it appears that Arsenal are Chelsea’s closest rivals to sign him.


    Privately, Newcastle have been braced for his departure and have also been in advanced negotiations with Marseille to sign French international Loic Remy for £11.5 million.


    Pardew said: “At the end of the day if he feels that our offer isn’t right for him [ba], what can I do?


    “I can’t remember a situation like it, quite with this level of speculation and information being put about. So I think that’s a frustration for us as a club – massively. Hopefully he will play against Everton, but we could get an offer tomorrow and he could go. I’d save it’s evens whether he stays or goes.”


    Newcastle still carry the scars of losing Andy Carroll to Liverpool on the final day of the January window in 2011, but Pardew feels the team are far stronger than they were the last time they lost their leading scorer.


    “In some respect I feel a little bit sorry for Demba because I think people are representing him who are not actually representing him. There are people out there who are fuelling this who are not actually involved,” Pardew said.


    “I’ve been in a situation where we lost Andy Carroll, and to a great extent, maybe we were weaker then than we are now.


    So we’ve coped with it before and we’ll cope with it again if we have to. But ideally we want him to stay, and hopefully he will play on Wednesday and play well.”


    So there is a good chance he won't be replaced? Great

  8. When talking about how crap QPR have been, "pundits" (Shearer and Redknapp) mention Hill and Derry being disappointed and that they are passionate etc. They are shit players so stop excluding them from criticism

  9. Scott Wilson @Scottwilsonecho

    Debuchy deal will mean the end of Simpson's time at #NUFC with Fulham leading the chase. On Saturday's evidence, maybe that's just as well. It'll be one in, one out up front if Ba leaves, and I also expect #NUFC to sign a centre-half next month. Then that might be that.


    Would be chuffed if that happens

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