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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Is that the list of their should win games?


    Also, Bent leaving was good because they would play much better football as a team without him.




    Aye, apparently he was holding back their style of play as they used the long ball, with him gone they were going to revert to Brazil 70 style


    :colo: :colo:

  2. Alright, I've had my fill.


    I feel sorry/pity for them again.


    They're talking about how football isn't the be all end all, how they're just glad they have their families/kids etc - the rivalry is too lop-sided.


    Aye, its pathetic really. Seen a facebook update that went something like "nothing you mag kernts can say will bother me because I got a smile off my son"


    Well how about I got a smile off my son and we beat you twats 1-0?  :troll:

  3. He was poor today actually.


    Is he a muslim? They are on Ramadan - cannot eat beween sunrise (about 5.30am) and sunset. Marveaux and Ba are Muslims - possible reason for their limited roles so far.

    It really would be difficult for an athlete to observe that. You could not possibly be at your best in Tiote's position if you are observing those conditions.


    Not sure if he is


    Was not aware of Marveaux being muslim


    Demba Ba I recall reading an article on when he was at Hoffenheim where he said he fasted BUT not on match days

  4. Don't know if I'm being biased, but definitely top 3 CB in the league for me.


    I would not swap him for anyone BUT that is due to the affection we have for him now


    BUT genuinely I think Vidic is the only one I would swap him for in the league, as good as if not better than anyone else

  5. Still don't think it's acceptable the way we've gone about things this summer, but it can't be denied that we've had a great start to the season. Get a good left back and a good striker in and we can look upwards.



    One thing is for sure, Enrique spouting s**** about the spirit has shown to be his version and not the rest of the players, they fought like a team, if they didn't have any spirit they would have folded.


    10/10 is what Enrique said about the dressing room so he wasn't spouting shite actually

  6. Lose the derby = not important, just a game, who finished higher??


    Win the derby = biggest thing in the world, nothing else matters.


    What a load of rubbish.


    I don't know a single person who claims the derby is 'just a game'. I can only guess you are not from the North East and don't have a clue what it means, ridiculous post.


    Show me one single Sunderland fan who claims the 5-1 didn't hurt and I will show you a liar, of course it hurt, only a idiot would argue otherwise, any derby defeat hurts, whichever team you support.


    It was more a pisstake of your position/posts tbh.


    You mention the 9-1 quickly enough without mentioning the fact we won the league that season.


    When you finish above us the individual games don't count but when you win them, even though it's over 100 years ago, you still try to milk it.




    Until last season, I hardly ever heard the 9-1 game mentioned, ever. Over the last year Newcastle fans have developed a real obsession with Sunderland and it's something that has only developed since you got relegated.


    We barely ever heard of Newcastle fans showing this obsession in your 'glory years' and Sunderland were never mentioned by your fans, it was always "Man Utd are our rivals" or even more embarrassing "Barcelona of the North". Now you lot are completely obsessed with anything Sunderland, from Quinn to finances to crowds to league position.


    You have the 5-1 but we have a long standing record scoreline that still stands to this very day and the mere mention of 1-9 sends you lot into overdrive.


    All we heard on here in May was "Sunderland will be relegated next season when the loan players go back" or "Short is downsizing and the mackems are skint". Yet again we come out on top and it's your club which has been the laughing stock of the country all summer.


    Roll on next Saturday and Sessegnon can shut up a few mouthy people on here.


    Gotta say Sessegnon played well, looked dangerous BUT  . . . . . . . . .

















































  7. Thought he got much better as the game went on. Still give the ball away far too much though.


    Aye he did improve BUT overall thought he was poor


    Though I have to add that is compared to his usual high standards. If that was Alan Smith playing that would have been a good performance for him

  8. Think he was brilliant for most part today. Solid as always.


    Really? I thought he was poor, far too often he held onto the ball too long and lost it


    Still I am sure he will back to his awesome self soon enough

  9. Gotta remember how few games he's played over the last couple of years, needs time and games.


    It is the ambling and sort of half arsed attempts that is a bit worrying


    BUT still early days so hopefully he will get better as he plays more

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