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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Don't think he could have done any better with his chance, a shame that he didn't score but ah well, looking forward to seeing him play more.


    Thought he should have taken it earlier BUT like others have said got into a great position which is encouraging

  2. Thoughts so far -


    Sessegnon has been the best player on the pitch.


    Colback and Cattermole have also had decent games for them.


    Obertan has looked invisible.


    We're playing far too much long ball with just Shola up front.


    Ryan Taylor makes me s*** myself a little everytime they attack on his side.


    Larsson and Webb are both c***s.


    Agreed - plus Tiote has been a bit dodgy



  3. If waffa stick to what they've said they're going to do regarding spending regs. Then Andy Carrol was the last of the big signings that will be exempt. Everyone signed this summer will fall foul of the regs.


    As i understand it anyway. Feel free to correct me someone.



    Don't you have to qualify for Europe to have these restrictions apply?


    Yes you do

  4. 4-3-3?


             Barton Cheick Cabaye


    Obertan                                 Guti





    Would be surprised if he went with that


    Think it will be Obertan off Shola, that way Jonas can still provide protection to Raylor


    I think you're right but it is an option


    Aye agreed - we certainly seem to have more versatility in the side which allows us to change things more easily - Lovenkrands on the wing last season was just  :dowie:

  5. This is not going to happen.

    And even if it should, 8m for a left back when we still don't have a decent striker and we've been struggling for the last two years in every game to get a single shot on target? :facepalm:


    Wow, someone is actually unhappy we are trying to sign a quality left back  :facepalm:

  6. Very good, people might complain about Ba on the bench, but they all need time to gel no better way then to introduce couple at the time. Ba, Obertan, Marveaux will all play massive part this season, no need to rush them all at once.


    Agreed..Except the lb it's a decent line up..And Shola must start because of his history against sland, and his defensive abilities..


    Aye.... all that tracking back he does.


    I think he was referring more to his defending from set pieces

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