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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/football/3753877/Newcastle-told-its-7m-for-Aly-Cissokho.html

    Toon told it’s £7m for Aly

    NEWCASTLE have been told they must up their offer if they want to land Aly Cissokho.

    The Lyon left-back, 23, has put in an official transfer request after Toon's latest offer of £7million was rejected.


    Another target, Sochaux frontman Modibo Maiga, has gone on strike to try to seal a £7m move.


    He snapped: "The club is refusing to talk. It feels like a slap in the face. I want to leave."


    That makes no sense, headline says it is £7mill for him BUT then the 'article' (I use that term very loosely) says our £7mill bid was rejected  :dowie: :dowie:



  2. A lot of the time in a match he does good stuff, but too often he is doing things he shouldn't be doing, ending up out of position, creating spaces behind our defence, causing Colo the be dragged out somewhere, creating another space and so on.


    Like on Saturday he was trying to show that he was a ball playing defender just like Colo, and then nearly cost us.


    Give me Mike "Average but never does anything stupid" Williamson any day.


    Though I think when he makes mistakes it gets highlighted more than when Colo does it (though he is a far superior defender overall)


    Nobody has mentioned how against Arsenal that Colo was out of position, ball was played over the top to Van Persie and it was actually Taylor that went across and dealt with it

  3. Quite clearly the pre-season farce did not help things. He looked a bit off the pace and tired quicky


    I was impressed that he was willing to get stuck in, even if he was a little late and quite clearly the lad has an eye for a pass. Also could not have been easy playing against Arsenal as their possession play makes you run around a hell of a lot


    He will undoubtedly get fitter and stronger, then we will see the best of him

  4. c***


    Is there any need for this constant vitriol towards a man who has done a decent job for us when we've had nobody else to stand up and do it?


    Agreed. I don't rate him, think Sammy or Vuckic should be ahead of him BUT calling him a cunt is simply wrong

  5. Played very well today. Confident.


    Yep, apart from the attempted juggernaught run that completely failed. Decent shift.


    Scared s*** out of me when he did that, we got so lucky that colo intercepted it


    I need to see it again BUT didn't he get a smack in the face?

  6. Ba and Shola really shouldn't be on the pitch together. It simply does not fit our personnel and the way we should be looking to play.


    Agreed, they simply don't work well together. Today highlighted how badly we need a striker

  7. There's no worse feeling than losing a derby you were convinced you were going to win.


    And I doubt there's a much better feeling than winning a derby you were rather nervous about beforehand 5-1. :snod:



    Also, after a promising start to the night I see Wearyside's reverted to form and started rambling about a result from over a 100 years ago. :lol: Guess he must've had a bit to drink since earlier on.


    You see, this is the way it always develops on here. I say something which the masses don't agree with (in this case, the belief that the Sunderland squad is a lot stronger than Newcastle's) and you resort to name calling or whatever.


    The truth must hurt.


    Oh well, like I say, in 7 days we can put all myths to bed, one way or the other.


    A lot stronger? Really?

  8. I did manage to find this though, the lying, money-grabbing Judas c***




    Jose Enrique has launched a scathing attack on his current club Newcastle criticizing the North East club's transfer policy and lack of ambition. The Spanish left back posted his feelings on his Twitter and made them abundantly clear as he bemoaned the departures of Andy Carrol and Kevin Nolan from the club, both of whom were major influences in Newcastle's Premier League campaign last season.


    Enrique posted, "They lie all the time. But is no for money is because they don’t want spend in the club and bring quality players that’s why everybody go.”


    To be fair to him, Carroll gone, Nolan gone, Barton being pushed out . . . . . .

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