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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. You've hired the wrong manager mate. Arsenal and Spurs will sign the right players even if it's later in the window and you will be left scratching your head wondering how the f*** did we spend £100m on players who were considered s*** in the Championshp just 12 months ago.


    I see, you really don't know anything about football. 


    Whether Arsenal and Spurs sign the 'right players' or not doesn't matter, we've signed the right players for us and that's the important thing. 


    How would you know who was or wasn't the right manager for any club?  Who do you think you are, Mystic Meg?  Dalglish has never failed to deliver at Liverpool and he spent 13 years here before this second stint.  I think I'll judge him on that rather than some nobody who doesn't know his arse from his elbow.


    If it's you who considered them s*** then I'd say it's 47 million well spent.




    I'm not Mystic Meg nor would I want to be because she's just some daft bint who writes for the paper who you should have been boycotting if you knew any better. If you think I don't know about your manager you're very much wrong as I saw first hand what he did to our club when he was manager here. He didn't do much better when he fled to Celtic with John Barnes as his sidekick either. Your American owners seem to be as clueless about football as Ashley and co. Enjoy the experiment.


    As I said, you don't have a clue.


    Last time I saw anything to do with MM was in the early days of the lottery, and boycotting something I've never read in my life is easy.


    4 League titles and two FA Cups says you haven't a clue about Dalglish as a manager, tell me which one of your previous managers was as good as that.


    Our Amreican owners are the first to admit they don't know about football but they want to learn and have put all the right people there to teach them.


    When was this?

  2. I love all of the transfer experts in this thread.If only Ashley and Llambias had played FM for hours on end :(


    Aye if only, that way they might at least have half a clue as opposed to now where they just pluck things out their arse

  3. Wish ex players would shut the f*** up TBH.


    No idea why anyone would support a Liverpool player attacking NUFC... this is probably the saddest effect of the Ashley regime, people don't seem to support their own club any more.


    We can support the club and at the same time hate the fatty in charge


    Yeah I know, but it's so extreme at times it seems like people are almost sadistically enjoying their own club being criticised.



    I doubt anyone enjoys it BUT it just further reinforces the point that Ashley is quite frankly a grade A cunt

  4. Wish ex players would shut the f*** up TBH.


    No idea why anyone would support a Liverpool player attacking NUFC... this is probably the saddest effect of the Ashley regime, people don't seem to support their own club any more.


    We can support the club and at the same time hate the fatty in charge

  5. Messi directly involved in all 5 goals over the 2 legs. 3 goals and 2 assists, and he's only at about 50% fitness. Ludicrous.


    ridiculously good - and there are still some people out there that think Ronaldo is better than him  :mackems: :mackems:

  6. Don't have an issue with this


    Forster has gone, Harper is ancient and probably has injury problems so it makes sense


    BUT obviously people are going to be p*ssed off because right now we a left back and striker are a MUST


    Aside from the apparent 'fact' that Harper isn't actually injured at all, this post is spot on. It's really not hard to work out.


    I find it quite amusing rather than annoying btw. We're laughably clueless. :lol:


    I never said he was injured, just that he is ancient and based on some posts/reports he has injury problems, therefore it makes sense to being in another keeper



  7. The Leeds game did the damage, which is a shame. But Harper could still hang around for 3-4 years (he'll hardly be knackered considering he spent years and years on the bench) so something had to give. The sensible option would involve a buy-back clause.


    No way Harper has 3-4 years left in him


    Can see him being backup this year and then calling it quits

  8. I think Ferguson left back would be pretty good if fit. I know there are concerns about his side but he is tenacious and with him and Jonas on the same side of the pitch they wouldn't manage to get themselves out of their own half. Can't see Larsson quite doing them for pace. Who is their right back? I can't remember anyone pacey. Could be brutal.


    Larsson played on the left against Liverpool


    Elmohamady played right midfield with Bardsley at right back

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