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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. "New" youngsters joining the academy -

    Lewis Aird, Adam Campbell, Aidan Grant, Alexander Kitchen, Steven Logan, Esteban Cardona Lopez, Jonathan Mitchell, Remie Streete and Will Turton


    Youngsters leaving the club -

    Nathan Evans, Andy Mogwo, Ryan Page and Ben Robinson


    Street and Campbell were already part of the academy weren't they?


    Anyone know much about this Esteban Cardona Lopez?


    Not really. "Those first couple of days, they will be nervous about stepping in full-time. But we know the lads; they've been around the Academy for quite a number of years now so it's nothing new to them. The programme won't be any different other than the fact that they'll be full-time."


    ah right - I assume before they were still at school BUT it is full time at the academy now


    Good luck to them - heard good things about Campbell and Streete, looking forward to see how they develop

  2. "New" youngsters joining the academy -

    Lewis Aird, Adam Campbell, Aidan Grant, Alexander Kitchen, Steven Logan, Esteban Cardona Lopez, Jonathan Mitchell, Remie Streete and Will Turton


    Youngsters leaving the club -

    Nathan Evans, Andy Mogwo, Ryan Page and Ben Robinson


    Street and Campbell were already part of the academy weren't they?


    Anyone know much about this Esteban Cardona Lopez?

  3. Gibson has improved and this could be the right move at the right time for him, though obviously he's leaving Man U for a reason.


    If we're going for a 4-2-3-1, he and Tiote could form a formidable barrier. We do need to watch the defence a bit, and we can't be packing the midfield with too many Ben Arfas and Marveauxs.


    Tiote would be doing all the work


    Gibson has a decent shot on him and his passing aint bad BUT he lacks mobility, technique and awareness - and he can't tackle so he would be awful alongside Tiote, he would be awful full stop.

  4. Lik

    And? Why say what he did in May?


    because he believed that Shearer would be giving the job? He only became disillusioned when things were going way too slow.



    Like Duff and Bassong, he had a decent offer from a Premiership club and wanted to go. 90% of players would make the same decision in that situation.




    People talk about the loyalty the players showed to us when we went down but how many of them would have stayed if they had the chance of a move to a Premiership team on similar wages in front of them?


    I can't help but think that its a tad naive to assume the players just sat twiddling their thumbs hoping a club would make an offer for them. Agents are there to sound out interest and I find it hard to believe that someone with CL experience would have no suitors whatsoever. Same goes for a highly rated Spanish U21 left back. If there was interest in any player we'd of heard of it, no question. The fact we didn't suggest that perhaps they were loyal, to an extent at least.




    So you presume people were interested but the reason we didn't hear about it is because they shot the interest down before it got to the club or papers?




    Or perhaps that the players didn't seek out a move like they easily could have done?!


    Colo and Jose struggled in our relegation season. They wouldn't have had many offers on the wages that they were on.


    They both improved a fair bit during that year in the Championship.


    No, sorry I just don't buy it, not only do I disagree about Jose being poor (Colo was) but I just don't buy into the idea that those 2 in particular with their calibre knew they weren't gonna get a better offer so didn't bother courting interest. Not hearing of any interest suggests that the agents didnt put the feelers out suggesting that perhaps they may have stayed out of loyalty.


    What is your point exactly? We know players have agents but even the best agent won't get a s*** player into a good club.


    Colo and Jose weren't "s***" players for a start. A point was made earlier that Colo and Jose stayed cos no one was interested in them which I found hard to believe due to their reputations. If they wanted to leave they easily could have, in my opinion they stayed out of loyalty.


    I doubt very much any club would have offered Jose or Cole anywhere near the money they are on here

  5. They now have a thread about how they should sign Jisung Park :facepalm:


    Man, I've really got to stop browsing that place.


    It is still worth browsing for the numerous comedic moments it provides

  6. Ah right, cheers, just that French article said something like "we won't seem him for a good while". Guess that might just mean because it's the end of the season. Anyway, nee worries then.


    That was referring to seeing him in the French league

  7. So what's the deal with his injury, is he likely to miss some of the coming season too?


    He should be fine - he claims he has been fit for some time and that he could even have played a part in the final match for rennnes so as things stand he is good to go

  8. Would be gutted if we sell Colo - the guy is pure class and replacing him would be next to impossible


    Worrying it seems those in charge just look at it purely from a financial point of view


    I would shift some of the dross and use their wages on Colo

  9. I can see him going to Sunderland,  seemed to have a decent relationship with Bruce at Wigan but think it could be a problematic move for him,  if he's joins he'll live back in Newcastle and while he's good mates with Titus he still as friends like Shola here along with our new French contingent i can see him getting grief when he's out and about in town especially if it looks like he turned us down for them,  the mongs over in mackemland will probably give him grief as well for socialising with mags!!


    True - the papers cite Bramble as an example of an ex-player playing for Sunderland that has no problems - BUT that is cos he is s*** and we find it funny he is playing for the Mackems, Charlie on the other hand . . .

  10. mr ashley said we would have all money from transfers back into the club so that means we should still have 34.3 million to spend. i dont rely see that happening. 2 decent signings( about 8 million each ) and sturridge 15-18 million and id be the happiest man alive.


    Wages are included in that

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