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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. The worrying thing for the Mackems is there does not appear to be any light at the end of the tunnel


    Their team is shite, they have a lot of loan players, their manager is hated by the fans and the fans are not turning up in the numbers that Quinny so desperately wants


    They are making a loss every year and there will come a point when Short thinks fuck it


    We on the other hand are at least looking a bit more positive, the next accounts of ours should show a profit

  2. He's good, but imo certainly not £35-mill-good. And I think we will see that next season.


    I don't think anyone really classes him as worth £35m, the fee was just a result of the crazy Torres transfer.


    Dalglish and the Liverpool board did.


    Only because they got £50m for Torres.


    Still deemed it worthy of spending £35m on it on a striker who'd only had one half season performing well.


    The Liverpool owners craic was the Torres deal had to be £15m more than what we were asking for Carroll (meaning they could buy Carroll and Suarez for £0 investment). It wasn't Liverpool that paid the £35m it was Chelsea, via Torres.

    How do you work that? They paid 26.5m for Suarez.


    It was £22.8m they paid for Suarez, plus they got money for Ryan Babel, so they pretty much broke even

  3. Do they really think they have healthy finances? :lol:


    Probably one of the healthiest clubs in the league financially,our owner swallows all of our debts and we are virtually debt free.




    BUT how much longer is he going to keep swallowing your debts? Sunderland are losing money every season and it does not look like that will change any time soon (especially if you want to sign 5-7 players this summer)

  4. How long does Steve Bruce have left on his contract?


    About 2 and a half years.


    So it would cost a few quid to get rid of him and then more money on a replacement, leaving less for signings


    Sunderland are in a shit position right now

  5. Is there any hope Airey will step up? He seems to score for fun but doesn't seem to be one on the radar.


    Anyone who his tally now for the season?


    Reserves - 13 games - 11 goals


    U18 - 4 games - 3 goals


    and I think it is 2 in 2 cup games

  6. Because it is bollocks - he doesn't get his yellow cards for daft reasons like trying to hurt players, mouthing off etc etc, it's because he gives his all for the team and wants us to win (in anycase some of his cautions have been a joke), why on earth we should punish him for that is beyond me


    What next? Fine the defenders for every goal we concede?

  7. Bardsley,who Bruce replaced at right back with Onuoha,and has played mostly a left back.

    Now let's compare properly.Bardley vs Enrique.


    Shall we start by comparing goals scored this season? :)


    Yeah because defenders are judged by the number of goals they score  :idiot2: :idiot2:

  8. Ridiculous to say "if so and so gets sold then I'm out". For Enrique for example it's almost certainly his decision this summer if he stays or goes so it's a bit mad to blame the club if he slings his hook.


    BUT getting a good replacement is up to the club

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