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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Poor game BUT some of the comments here are ridiculous


    Has been brilliant for us this season, so unfair to call him a disgrace etc cos of one bad game

  2. Even his celebrations are getting slagged off now.  :lol:


    Amazing really - if he didnt celebrate he would have got slated as well, cant win can he


    Great play from him for the goal



  3. Shocking game for him - though that doesnt mean he cant play as a RB, he has played there before and done good job BUT today it was a poor performance


    Simpson is overall the better right back so we should not need to play Saylor there BUT when you let Routledge go on loan then you are forced to put players out of position

  4. Keegan has said nowt wrong - in fact it was said by the majority of us on this board BUT the minute KK says it some people see it as a reason to attack him


    Based on what has happened in the past Keegan is 100% right, that much is clear and his comments are obviously based on what he has seen at this club under Ashley (whether he was manager or not)



  5. The guy is just class - makes up for having to put up with Alan Smith for the last few years, the gulf in class between the two is just scary


    I have no doubts he will be off in the summer, the comments from Pardew confirm that BUT it would be stupid to sell him - replacing him wont be easy, cant think of many defensive midfielders out there that are better than him and we certainly cant rely on unearthing another bargain like we did with Tiote


    Having said that dont want to worry too much about it since it is out of our control - might as well enjoy Tiote being awesome week in week out (when he isnt suspended)

  6. Mackem Mong on Tiote


    He's not Xabi Alonso mate. Carroll was your best player by a mile, you shouldn't expect Liverpool to offer you tens of millions for your every single player now. He's a good DM and just that. We'll see if he's as good as Muntari.


    :mackems: :mackems: :mackems: :mackems:

  7. We all knew it would be epic when he did eventually score. Anyone think it would be this epic? :lol:


    Nope - everything about it was class, the occasion, the quality and the celebration topped it of - he loved that goal, proper loved it


    Who do you reckon looked more over the moon with their first goal, him or Jose?


    Tiote for sure, Jose's goal was class BUT this was epic and his reaction summed it up - bit too far up to see for certain BUT it looked like he wiped away a tear, class

  8. We all knew it would be epic when he did eventually score. Anyone think it would be this epic? :lol:


    Nope - everything about it was class, the occasion, the quality and the celebration topped it of - he loved that goal, proper loved it

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