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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. btw can someone remind me which 3-4 crosses he flapped?


    There was him coming out for the offside "goal" which he missed  and there was the corner where he got his hand to it BUT then tipped the shot over, what else?


    The only other one I can remember is when he charged right out to the edge of the area, jumped over Taylor and punched the ball clear. Don't think that was entirely needed.


    BUT aslong as he cleared it, its all good


    The problem we have is our defence is not entirely convincing so we need a keeper thats willing to make the decision and go through with it


    There were plenty of times the defenders let the ball go over their heads, Krul was erring on the side of caution i guess


    Still a young lad so will get better

  2. Krul had a good game - some regular/standard saves BUT a couple of quality one's which is what i think sets him apart from Steve Harper


    I was a big fan of Harper BUT i think Given leaving finally explained why this guy was number 2 all that time - he is a decent keeper BUT thats about it. Last season he was exposed as a keeper, he is a canny shot stopper BUT definately not commanding enough


    Krul is still a baby in goalkeeping terms and has a lot to learn BUT that will come with game time - I wudnt have any issues with making him number 1, its his spot to lose

  3. Sensationalist reporting exists within the muslim world too. No doubt the chant, which has nothing offensive in it at all, has been reported on negatively by some daft Turkish rag, which has led to "hundreds of angry e-mails" (browsing other forums, looks like the Arabic reports did headline that the chant was offensive, which is of course without any justification). Hence why decades after the chant has been around there are now "complaints from muslims".


    It certainly does and it seems like that is what has started this off - thats the one thing you will find, every race, religion, community etc has its fair share of Alan Olivers, just the way of the world.


    The thing is when you have such a large group as muslims indeed are and they come as i mentioned in all shapes and sizes you will find many idiots among them - i reckon a lot of the people complaining havnt even read/heard the chant just like a lot of people wanting to do in Salman Rushdie hadnt read his book.


    Anyhow i think this discussion has gone as far as it can - back to following the circus . . . . . ooops i mean newcastle united  O0

  4. And yet you still felt the need to reply to it. 


    Still if you cant figure out why thousands of chanting westerners saying the most innocent things about Big Mo' wouldn't be seen as insulting then we can't help you.


    Fact is, they have pissed off muslims or there wouldnt be the complaints. figured that one out yet?


    I replied to the other part of the post - the blatant attempt at baiting isnt going to get the response you want so you best leave that


    Just because some muslims got pissed off doesnt mean that was their intention - its an innocent chant and the vast majority see it that way. It just so happens that some overly sensitive souls have taken an issue to it



  5. Been an Ashley bashing special so far :thup:


    Surprised this is happening in Shearers like.


    Aslong as people are buying drinks and crisps i dont think he gives a fuck what they say

  6. Isn't there any way we can entice a few muslims onto this site in order to be offended? All this seems a bit pointless otherwise.


    Im a muslim BUT im on this site cos i support Newcastle United


    I suspect as someone has suggested the paper in the OP is the German version of the Daily Mail - love sensationalising things


    There probably was a some people complaining BUT making it out as if muslims are up in arms over this is nonsense - also another thing to add is there are reportedly 1 Billion muslims in the world, the actions of a minority (very very small minority) is not representative of all muslims, just like the charva's outside SJP are not representative of newcastle fans



    There are 1.4 billion of you lot.


    The minorty of which happen to be very vocal and hold the power of Islam in their hands so that decent folk either have to go along with it or keep schtum (if I might be allowed to use a Yiddish expression around Islamic folks)


    They made up this song to piss off Muslims. Pure and simple. Hell they could have picked Jesus who knew nothing about the offside rule.


    and you know this how exactly?


    Personally i dont see how its insulting BUT obviously there are some sensitive folk out there - much like the fella on this board who thought Oba could have delayed his move due to SBR passing away


    As for the minority being vocal - that sadly is true and it is indeed the responsibility of the majority to combat that BUT its not an easy thing to do since muslims come in different "shapes" and "sizes" - also the media plays an influential role, they love seeking out the mongs like Abu Hamzah and trying to pass of his idiotic thoughts as that of the minority instead of seeking out the more sensible people




    Come on you are not naive.  It is a credo of Islam that the prophet, (or paedo as we like to call him) shall not be illustrated or described, drawn, apinted or refered to . Especially by non believers.  In that way, its like shooting fish in a barrel. Why else would a western football crowd pick out that old b****** other than to offend?


    Nowt to do with naivety - if they wanted to piss muslims off im sure they could have come up with something more insulting (actually something insulting since it isnt even insulting to beging with)


    As for the rest of your post - i aint even going to take the bait so it wasnt really worth it

  7. Isn't there any way we can entice a few muslims onto this site in order to be offended? All this seems a bit pointless otherwise.


    Im a muslim BUT im on this site cos i support Newcastle United


    I suspect as someone has suggested the paper in the OP is the German version of the Daily Mail - love sensationalising things


    There probably was a some people complaining BUT making it out as if muslims are up in arms over this is nonsense - also another thing to add is there are reportedly 1 Billion muslims in the world, the actions of a minority (very very small minority) is not representative of all muslims, just like the charva's outside SJP are not representative of newcastle fans



    There are 1.4 billion of you lot.


    The minorty of which happen to be very vocal and hold the power of Islam in their hands so that decent folk either have to go along with it or keep schtum (if I might be allowed to use a Yiddish expression around Islamic folks)


    They made up this song to piss off Muslims. Pure and simple. Hell they could have picked Jesus who knew nothing about the offside rule.


    and you know this how exactly?


    Personally i dont see how its insulting BUT obviously there are some sensitive folk out there - much like the fella on this board who thought Oba could have delayed his move due to SBR passing away


    As for the minority being vocal - that sadly is true and it is indeed the responsibility of the majority to combat that BUT its not an easy thing to do since muslims come in different "shapes" and "sizes" - also the media plays an influential role, they love seeking out the mongs like Abu Hamzah and trying to pass of his idiotic thoughts as that of the minority instead of seeking out the more sensible people



  8. Isn't there any way we can entice a few muslims onto this site in order to be offended? All this seems a bit pointless otherwise.


    Im a muslim BUT im on this site cos i support Newcastle United


    I suspect as someone has suggested the paper in the OP is the German version of the Daily Mail - love sensationalising things


    There probably was a some people complaining BUT making it out as if muslims are up in arms over this is nonsense - also another thing to add is there are reportedly 1 Billion muslims in the world, the actions of a minority (very very small minority) is not representative of all muslims, just like the charva's outside SJP are not representative of newcastle fans


  9. Oh and David O'Leary is a twat BUT i would accept him as manager over JFK any day of the week


    How things have changed - a few years ago i was wanting Hitzfeld as our manager, now i want David O'Leary  :facepalm: :facepalm:

  10. Also there is no chance Ashley will sue Joe Kinnear over this because we all know that JFK is going to be manager if we are not sold - no decent manager would touch this job just like last time when even the likes of Venables didnt want it

  11. Anyone think Ashley is doing this on purpose?


    He must be - thats the only logical explanation because nobody can be as stupid as he has been with regards to decision making, communication, support etc etc


    I just pray someone out there takes pity on us and buys us - then i pray Ashley loses all his money and then has to spend the rest of his life selling Big Issues

  12. Just listened to the Newcastle bit of the interview, and the end of the month comments were pretty much put in his mouth by the interviewer. The bit about local influence being important was also quite an interesting point, but that doesn't neccesarily mean Shepherd. Barry Moat was mentioned in the Chronicle back by Middle Eastern money. It's something that was mentioned last time we were up for sale. I just think that could be where we're going.



    He talked about where wealth was found today. He said he wished there were more money men in england. He intimated as far as i am concerned that the buyers would be from a part of the world 'with money' but the running of the club on a day to day basis must have local influence


    'a prospective buyer has had a capital infusion' Keith Harris said this in relation to Martins move as well as talking about the wage bill reducing. What does this mean and why would the potential buyer get the benefits apart from the reduced wage bill




    I guess it means that the prospective buyer will have himself £9 Million to start off with,  with which to run the club

  13. If player/s are being sold to help pay for wages (as Harris has suggested with the sale of Martins) that tells me that the interested parties are not very well off - one things for certain it aint gonna be DIC


    Sale or No sale the high earners have to go to bring the wagebill down. It should have been done months ago.


    As for Harris shouldnt his company be sending someone else to have a go if the useless c*** cant find a buyer after a f***ing year.


    I agree that the high earners should go - more so when you consider last season they were either a) shit or b) didnt contribute enough


    BUT Harris seemed to be suggesting that the £9 Mill from Martins sale will be used to run the club which is attractive to prospective buyers - which is why it rules out DIC cos they more than enough money to run the club so i doubt they would care about players being sold or insist on them being sold beforehand, same i guess would go for another Dubai Consortium


    This means that either a) Harris is chatting shit or b) the people looking to buy us are not filthy rich

  14. If player/s are being sold to help pay for wages (as Harris has suggested with the sale of Martins) that tells me that the interested parties are not very well off - one things for certain it aint gonna be DIC



  15. Where's that from Dave?


    Just one of the random forums that are running with the story. Toon-Talk or something.


    They started the story (this morning) , others ran with it

  16. He could have waited a day like.


























  17. Devastating - an absolute legend.


    Even though he has been ill for some time, im in shock.


    A great football manager BUT more than that he was a great person


    RIP Sir Bobby Robson


    My thoughts go to his family and friends

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