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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. How the f*** did Nicky Butt get man of the match, honestly...


    Sick of the sycophancy towards him by commentators. Good old British lad Nicky Butt gets praised to high heaven for wandering into the path of a couple of stray balls (typically followed by him hoofing a 'Hollywood pass' straight into touch). Whereas those fancy dan foreigners Coloccini and Enrique get criticised for having the gaul to actually play a bit of football (despite having played like that and frustrated strikers all season with barely a hiccup).


    Agreed - the commentators were shite. When he kept saying "These 2 lads will always give you a chance, blah, blah, blah" - Aye, dickhead thats why we have only conceded 14 goals all season



  2. Im not that bothered about this - we will still call it St James Park regardless of whether some company gets to buy the name BUT im more pissed off about Ashley staying - thats the thing thats worrying

  3. Nowt to do with wanting Ashley's babies BUT the simple fact of the matter is - KEEGAN WAS RIGHT


    He was right in this court case. But how right was he to just give up on the team and cause so much damage over his sacred misplaced principles? Seemingly for some Keegan winning his trial is more important than the predicament (sportingly) this club is in now.


    He was very right to quit - do you honestly think things would have gotten better? It would have got 10 times worse and understandably Keegan did not want that bullshit


    Also the following extract from the pdf states


    This was his evidence, which we accept, and it is supported by the timingof his resignation.


    Both at the time and to us he described the Gonzalez signing as the final straw and the evidence shows that the Club appreciated that proceeding with it against this wishes might well lead to his resignation.


    So no he cudnt have waited a bit longer and then decide to resign. Also as Keegan has said the club didnt do enough to keep him



  4. How anyone could have backed the lying bastards over someone like Keegan


    And some 'idiots' still see criticising Keegan in any way as automatically wanting Ashley's babies. No matter how many times they are told differently. Weird.


    Nowt to do with wanting Ashley's babies BUT the simple fact of the matter is - KEEGAN WAS RIGHT

  5. Knew it  - didnt need this panel to tell me who was right BUT its a slap in the face of all those idiots that actually were having a go at Keegan


    How anyone could have backed the lying bastards over someone like Keegan is beyond me BUT this verdict surely should open their eyes (tho i suspect not)


    KEEEGAN  :clap: :clap:

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