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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. I thought Williamson did well - won a lot in the air and was good on the ground bar the odd moment, very impressed with him.


    Enrique was solid as expected. Carroll did as well as could be expected, playing up front on your own isnt easy. Routledge will destroy weaker teams no doubt


    The big worry for me was the central midfield and right back


    Central Midfield = It was full of triers BUT no creativity whatsoever. We need Guthrie in the middle, thats vital as the 3 that played today dont offer a great deal going forward


    Right Back = Perch was shocking, its only one game and it cant have been easy facing Nani BUT it was a worry. The back up options are not much better really. Simpson is a Championship right back at best, he wont be much better than Perch. Raylor was crap in the Premiership last time round, was average in the Championship as well so would not expect him to do anything. Our best right back is actually Steven Taylor BUT he is injured


    If we dont buy a better right back then perhaps it is worth playing Williamson there, with Colo and Campbell in the middle - I think Williamson played a couple of times there last season and did well BUT it would only be a short term solution really

  2. I think Given is a legend - I dont blame him for leaving, the timing may not have been the best BUT its clear he had enough of it - he was with us for over 10 years, barring the period under SBR we have been shite, he could have left ages ago as it was clear he wasnt going to win anything with us and that shows he did care enough about the club. The club showed no ambition and I think he was more than entitled to want to leave for a club where his chances of winning something is far greater


    I dont really care whether he plays or not for city BUT I would definately applaud him on his return

  3. Arry wont do jackshit - when he finds out he has a transfer budget of £0 he will be out the door faster than Usain Bolt


    Roy Hodgson has international experience so he could do a good job BUT it will take him time to build a side - will the media, fans give him that time?

  4. No he should not go BUT he will be hounded out - its just how it goes


    The players are just not good enough, he could have perhaps tried some different formation BUT the end result really would have been the same - coming unstuck against a decent side


    There are only a few players worth keeping, the rest need to be gotten rid of - I think more players like Wilshere are needed for the future


    Thing is... he could have gone for Crouch up front, he could have taken Adam Johnson to play on the left, he could have kept Lennon for width on the right, he could have left out an unfit Barry, he could have dropped Rooney, he could have played Dawson instead of Upson,  etc etc.


    He's not just the innocent victim of s*** players, he's made a lot of mistakes recently.


    and if he tried those things and they didnt pay off (which is highly likely) (Actually not taking Johnson was wrong) he would have got lambasted


    There really is a bigger issue here than the manager - no doubt he could have tried some different formations, some different players BUT the final result would have been the same - getting outplayed by better teams


    Changing the footballing culture overnight is not going to happen BUT when technically good players are coming through (Wilshere the prime example) they should be highlighted and brought into the setup as soon as possible

  5. No he should not go BUT he will be hounded out - its just how it goes


    The players are just not good enough, he could have perhaps tried some different formation BUT the end result really would have been the same - coming unstuck against a decent side


    There are only a few players worth keeping, the rest need to be gotten rid of - I think more players like Wilshere are needed for the future

  6. :lol: Got to laugh


    This is why I don't really feel anything for the England team, I love my country but as players and as a team I feel f*** all for them and it so don't feel too down that we are out.


    Same for me


    Used to support them whilst Shearer was skipper BUT frankly dont care for them now


    Really dont understand why people continue to overrate the England team

  7. I didnt expect us to go out and spend £30 Million on players, that is clearly unrealistic BUT I would have thought we would at least spend some money to strengthen the squad - not taking into account sales because that would weaken the squad thus bringing us back to square one


    I just hope Hughton can find some good freebies otherwise this will be a tough season

  8. I think it's a very smart statement. Try Reading it from an agent's point of view rather than a fan's - it effectively tells you to p*ss off if you try to rip the club off.  Call me naive but I think it's very smart. 


    You give Ashley too much credit

  9. What a bunch of stupid bastards


    What happens to their break even plan when we get relegated cos we didnt spend jack shit? and this time the likes of Enrique, Jonas, Carroll etc etc wont stick around

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