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Geordie Ahmed

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Everything posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Agree with this. I think that the club would have responded better had he waited until the summer. It would have shown more loyalty to have stayed and fought with us to keep us up. I think the money swayed it to be honest. Had he gone to Arsenal I could have bought his "moving for a chance of success" line, however Man Citeh are no better than we are, as the result at Stoke showed. He was here for 12 years - thats pretty damn loyal, do you want him to get NUFC tatooed on his arse to reinforce it? He has left us cos he knows we are deep in it - he wants to get out while he can and i dont blame him for that. As for moving to Citeh - they are a million times more ambitious than us and thats why he joined them
  2. Eh? From where I'm standing it looked like he absolutely s*** his pants and threw away all his plans for club. In fact that's the biggest mistake he made. I wish he had the balls not to flinch, then we wouldn't be in this f***ing horrible situation now. There were no plans for the club - he is a fat lying b******, you simply have to look at how much we have spent on transfers and all the lying he has done to realise that. That's just plainly wrong though, he came in and instituted a review of the club led by Chris Mort that revealed our true situation, and put in place a recruitment/back room system that he thought would help us get by on limited funds - the very system that supposedly led to Keegan's departure. Don't know where you get the idea he never had a plan, the problem is that he couldn't stick to it through the hard times. Hmmm let me guess, the fact that we are up shit creek without a paddle Keegan left because he was being undermined and promises were broken
  3. What a legend - dont blame him for leaving, he was well aware of the damage Ashley and Co are doing to this club. Shay is a Geordie and im sure he will return in some capacity one day (Well providing the fat cunt is finally gone)
  4. He is obviously gonna answer the questions like a politician so really its a waste of time
  5. More bollocks - not surprised crap like this is coming out. Made a profit in the transfer window and is now trying to buy some time - well fuck you Ashley, you are a fat lying bastard. Less words and more action is required
  6. Eh? From where I'm standing it looked like he absolutely s*** his pants and threw away all his plans for club. In fact that's the biggest mistake he made. I wish he had the balls not to flinch, then we wouldn't be in this f***ing horrible situation now. There were no plans for the club - he is a fat lying bastard, you simply have to look at how much we have spent on transfers and all the lying he has done to realise that. He will continue to treat the fans with contempt because he knows by and large they will keep coming back for more like a domestic abuse victim - thats the reality of it. The only way to send a message to him is by not turning up
  7. Is that the best idea that came out of the meeting? Pretty much - Oh and someone wants us to have a word with the council :idiot2:
  8. I think T-Shirts are a brilliant idea - I mean we were quite angry as soon as KK left BUT Ashley didnt even flinch (infact he was getting pissed in New York) BUT a T-Shirt is gonna have him shitting his pants - We will totally have him wrapped around our little finger Amazing idea, genius whoever thought of it
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