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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. I think on the captaincy it's safe to say Howe has nailed it


    Taking it away from Lascelles whilst he's here is unnecessary, credit to Lascelles for how he's behaved during this season and Trippier too, who has recognised Lascelles as club captain 


    If Lascelles leaves then obviously Trippier will officially get the captaincy but there's no need to do that yet 

  2. 21 minutes ago, Geordie Boyo said:

    The legit top is on the right by the looks of it after going through the clip. 

    On the actual video the legit top is on the right but on the thumbnail it's on the left (as the legit one doesn't have the CL badge)

  3. 1 hour ago, Wolfcastle said:

    Not saying he's full of shit but he's hardly experienced judge of things and his memory may be playing tricks on him as I think we've played Ipswich at home all of twice in over 20years and once in over 13years and specifically remember seeing some in Bourgouines (or however it spelled) where we were and Rosies prior to that in 2000/01 01/02.







    You do know he isn't really an Ipswich fan, it's not even subtle but they lap it up like rabid dogs

  4. 23 minutes ago, jackflap said:

    What are the realistic targets for RW if we're going for an elite signing. Diaby, Chiesa, Raphinha. Many others?

    Not elite yet but Cherki would be some signing 

  5. Some people really do struggle with rejection (or apparent rejection)


    Maddison is a quality player that would have been a good signing for us, I've no doubt he could have adapted to us and been an asset


    That said I'm not overly bothered, simply because there are lots of good footballers out there and I trust the club to sign good players 





  6. 8 hours ago, TomYam said:

    So many people talking about moving the club to Leazes Park. This is completely unfeasible (as it should be) as it has national protection due to being Listed and in a Conservation Area. 

    Building a new stadium on Castle Leazes, however, is possible because the Freemen broadly supported such a proposal in the mid '90s.



    When people talk about moving to Leazes Park I think they really mean Castle Leazes and a moder version of the plans the club had in the 90's

  7. 5 hours ago, jack j said:

    Came to the conclusion he just likes being abused





    Quite obvious if we do have a quiet week or two with little movement he'll claim it as a victory but then if we sign someone he'll spin it as "an unexpected opportunity presented itself during the reflect phase"

  8. 3 hours ago, Colos Short and Curlies said:


    Amortisation is over the initial contract period, so extending it etc has no impact

    That's not true, see the example below from the swiss ramble, this was about Umtiti and his contract extentions, same would apply if we can extend some of our higher purchases


    Obviously whilst the amount is lower it does then push it on to further years


  9. 24 minutes ago, Mountain said:


    Complete bollocks, litterally every point made is untrue.

    He's actually right, only slight correction is Tonali fee would be amortised over 5 years for FFP (thanks to the rule change after Chelsea went crazy)


    In terms of existing players, what does help is it a players contract is extended, so if we can 2-3 years to Bruno that will help lower his amortisation fee each year 

  10. 1 hour ago, HaydnNUFC said:

    Really interesting that we're looking at Serie A, assuming that's true.


    Hasn't Chiesa not been as good as he was before a major injury or am I just imagining that?

    This is true, he hasn't quite got going again since his injury but he wouldn't be the first player to take a while 


    The positive thing is that he hasn't had a set back to that injury and at the right price it's probably a risk worth taking 

  11. Tears from the ESL clubs is simply delicious, they were happy to fuck football on an imaginable scale and yet they think us signing a player is evil 


    They've bought players from other clubs because they're bigger and richer than them, they didn't give a shit about football then so they can take a running jump now



  12. 1 hour ago, Shak said:


    Nice video that, cheers.


    As the season went on last year I became more and more against the idea of moving Bruno from the #6 role. It's just so important to how we play having him as the base, dictating our passing. Thought adding a more traditional DM to push Bruno up would be a mistake given what we'd likely lose from that position.


    Watching Tonali though, if this guy is the new #6 I no longer have those concerns. Looks very smooth on the ball.


    Honestly, he looks like he'd be dynamite as a #8 too. Wouldn't be surprised to see him and Bruno swapping positions at times to keep opponents guessing. I'd guess this ultimately knocks Longstaff out of our strongest eleven but he'll still play an awful lot in the spot he was last year with either Bruno or Tonali as the #6.


    Completely agree with this


    Although Barella I think is a better player (obviously slightly different roles) but Tonali would work better for us due to the reason you mentioned, that ability to interchange from game to game and during games too 

  13. 32 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    Chelsea just happen to have the perfect profile of players on the fringes of the squad who are on high wages, big reputation, who PIF would be happy to have in their ranks as they grow the league. 

    This, plus to add to that the players they have signed or are about to (Kante, Mendy, Koulibaly, Ziyech) are all Muslim so the players will be more keen than others to make that move (plus the crazy money obviously helps)



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