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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 10 minutes ago, Yorkie said:





    Guess we'll just have to wait and see what the design actually is re this bit. :lol:


    Maybe they'll use a shirt where the stripes actually line up when the official photos come out. Good old storay. 

    Maybe that is a small to medium size difference?

  2. 16 minutes ago, Infatuation Junkie said:

    I assume you didn’t read the part where I said in his first few year here.


    Because he blatantly didn’t bother his arse to track back. He also tackled hardly ever.


    Im not going to blow smoke up the blokes arse. He’s a lazy kunt




    I edit to add that I never mentioned this season. Yes he has changed under Howe. But he has had no choice but change. 

    I stand by the fact he is double bone idle and skin wouldn’t graft to the bloke when he first got here.




    His first few years involved him almost single handedly (yeah, yeah, I know, team game and all that) keeping us up and also being the only thing that was remotely exciting 


    I swear, some people just hate excitement in football 


    I don't understand it, never have and never will but such people have always existed, on the receiving end we've had Ginola, Robert, Ben Arfa and now ASM joins that list 

  3. He does create chances, there's a section of our fans that don't like him, personally I find that odd but each to their own.


    It's one thing to not like him but to suggest he doesn't offer much is just absolute bollocks. 


    For me, the only valid concern is his fitness, he's played 1119 minutes this season, that simply isn't good enough. 


    He was the bright spark (along with Wilson) during the turgid Ashley/Bruce tenure and I'll forever love him for that. 


  4. I've not followed his career in much detail but I've always been impressed with him when he talks


    Carries himself well and speaks well, seems to play football the right way too (Yes I know, the right way is subjective)


    Kind of a shame he's going to Spurs because I want him to flop 

  5. 5 minutes ago, KDT said:


    Good job it's top 5.


    Perhaps not, will need English clubs to do well in Europe this season (Generally that does happen but wouldn't fully expect it to be a given)

  6. 27 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:


    He's easily in the Mac Allister bracket and he's £20m more. I know he's only got a year left but think we have to take that out of the equation. £40m for a 26 year old with his ability and proven record in the PL is a snip. 

    Fabrizio reckons Mac Allister has a release clause less than £45/50m, which if true is a bargain

  7. 2 minutes ago, Shays Given Tim Flowers said:

    Oh I thought he'd had a run out or two for them. My mistake. Love it when business makes sense in spite of emotion, well, when you're the one on top. 

    He did in the FA Cup but some suspect it was probably to help drive up any compensation they'll be due if he leaves

  8. In terms of FFP to counter it I read somewhere (can't seem to find it now) thay they'll have the longer contracts but they'll kind of get around it by doing 5 year contracts but in year 3 or 4 including an option/obligation to extend by another 3/4 years


    So whilst the amortisation fee will be higher to begin with, it then reduces in year 3 or 4 when the extension kicks on 


    Though, doing the deals they did and this new thinking just means they'll be trying up money towards FFP for years and years to come, doesn't appear to be a sensible thing to do 

  9. 29 minutes ago, huss9 said:

    would take him here as back up to wilson/isak

    Went off injured today, his knee went in a direction that didn't look too pretty, hopefully nothing serious but could be out for a while

  10. 3 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:


    Think he's going to have to run Spurs a different way. He could keep Kane knowing 8/10 chance they'd finish top 4 and he'd be happy enough. 


    I think Kane and Levy know that's not going to happen anymore though. Sell for as much as they can now, use it to try and be competitive to get back into Europe and rebuild organically.


    That would be the sensible move for all parties but something would have to give


    The kind of money Levy will ask for is not what clubs would be willing to pay, he will need to compromise and accept a 30 year old with 1 year left on his contract can't go for silly money


    In terms of the optics for Spurs selling abroad works best, even if the offer is slightly less they are better off doing that because him playing for Real Madrid would be way better than him playing for Man-U

  11. 8 minutes ago, WilliamPS said:

    It will be the last chance given Kanes only got a year left on his contract, and even he won’t be daft enough to sign a new one


    Would not rule it out, he was daft enough to sign his last one and trust Levy on a verbal agreement 

  12. 26 minutes ago, LionOfGosforth said:

    Just doesn't seem at all fair (FFP, fuck off man) that Chelsea were, not only able to avoid major issues when Abramovich was sanctioned, they only went and got a potty billionaire owner who spent 600m on them. As if that wasn't enough, and after all the failure of the last 12 months, they're out their trading again  for some of the better players in the world with probably one of the best available coaches in the world at the helm. After finishing mid table. They really are a disgustingly lucky club. Hate them.

    I guess they are fortunate that they have a number of players that they are willing to sell that can generate money, we don't have that luxury


    The players listed they can easily get a decent amount, though not sure where they were sitting when it came to FFP 



  13. 1 minute ago, KaKa said:


    It's not worthy of a response.


    Pep is signing Kovacic and isn't going after Messi.


    Must mean Kovacic is better than Messi and Pep is some sort of idiot.

    Hold on, you are the one that created that yardstick


    You can't then have a go at others and suggest they came up with it

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