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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 1 hour ago, Froggy said:

    We are going to get absolutely tanked today. Hope you lads enjoy. :lol:

    They'll dominate the ball, as they often do but I do think it will be a close game


    Obviously they are favourites but in a final, that too a derby, I'd never write off the smaller team

  2. 20 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    Whoever insisted on the length of the  trigger for the permanent transfer has more than earned his keep. Vital as the usual length seen in contracts would have seen him in all likelihood still at the club, with respect of when his injury occurred. 

    I'm sure I read it was done like that so Forest didn't have to make payment until the next financial year otherwise it would have been done immediately in January 

  3. 7 hours ago, Ben said:

    Kane should be told sign a contract or leave, it's no good having him in limbo for the next season. However Levy won't be able to take the flak so he'll just kick that can down the road for another season.

    The problem they'll have is what Levy will ask for will be considerably more than what teams would be willing to pay


    He'll stay, then bottle it and sign a contract in September 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Ben said:

    Let's not forget Mourinho served up probably one of the worst games of football we have ever seen and then deflected away any criticism by fabricating this ref abuse in the car park 


    I suspect this is exactly what he wanted (not the fans to attack the ref but that is likely a consequence of his actions), deflect away from his tactics and questions about how he managed the game


    Instead everyone is talking about the referee situation 

  5. 7 minutes ago, Zero said:


    It’s easy to speak like that. Wait till it strikes back when next time it’s our turn in the cup final. If we got hard done I will certainly call you out for this

    Why are you struggling to get it?


    There will be shit decisions, no doubt we'll get them in the CL next season but we are talking about what happened after the game, you seem to be either justifying or not condemning it, both of which are ridiculous 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Zero said:

    he is not the first time doing a fucking shite job. I feel sorry for his family. They are innocent, but not for him.


    just think how much hard work every team has done to reach a final and got ruined by some brain fart individual. If it’s a regular league game then fine. It’s a euro cup final FFS. 

    if he is not up for the job, just quit. I have very low tolerance level re these fucking shite refs. Just look back the posts in this thread. I don’t understand why some referees, Anthony Taylor being one of them, regularly got wrong decisions and ruined the game, and in the end got no punishment from any body, and then continue to ruin other games. They are not up to the job, just not good enough, but they are still here and? Next time it could be our turn to suffer then?


    These fucking shite referees should just fuck off from the game. I would be genuinely fucking worried if next season we got into any cup final and got Anthony Taylor as the ref, and I don’t think you can genuinely say “I have full confident on Taylor for making correct decisions” at that time.


    This is utterly absurd


    How you can watch that clip and not have any sympathy towards Anthony Taylor is beyond me


    I don't care if he's a shit ref or did a shit job (Which he didn't actually) that's just scumbag behaviour 

  7. 9 minutes ago, Dokko said:


    The answer is yes...but you can't loan him out. You'll need a full 3 years so at 18 he needs to stay put. Same for kuol...we won't be able to loan him out again if we want him as HG.

    Is the loan rule not to do with the same association? So we can loan Kuol out to an English side but would be limited to just one loan but then can loan to another country after that if needs be?


  8. 1 hour ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

    There was no way to maintain 'control' of that game though, if control means players behaving better. Maybe I'm being too kind, I dunno.


    He kept his head and judged each incident on its merits from what I saw, which is pretty much all anyone could do. 





    I agree, I think it was a difficult one to manage


    If he dished out more yellow cards, for example that incident when 5 Roma players surrounded him he gave one to the main culprit but he could have given one to all 5, it probably would have exacerbated the situation even further 


    It was not an easy game to referee because of how both sides behaved but in particular Mourinho and his staff/players

  9. 3 hours ago, Zero said:

    If it’s us in the final that received such treatments from Anthony Taylor, I am 100% sure we will not speak like this 


    did you guys really watch the game?   Even the dogshit pundits agree that Anthony Taylor got those decisions very wrong 





    This is not remotely true


    Mourinho has created this narrative that they were hard done by but it's bollocks


    Below is the major incidents, unless I'm missing something


    - The clearance from Gudelj was fine, it was Abraham that caught the defender, never a penalty in a million years

    - Gives Sevilla a penalty, live it did look it but he overturns his decision. Worked out for Roma because another ref could easily have stuck to his decision as there was slight contact 

    - Handball incident, not a penalty for me, hands down by his side but seen them given. Not a horrible decision by any stretch

    - Montiel penalty to be retaken. It was VAR that intervened and rightly so, keeper was off his line. Good decision.


    Then the game itself, it was very stop/start, lots of cards but that's cos the players/staff were behaving like scumbags, particularly Roma side. Mourinho and his staff were harassing Oliver all game


    At one stage Roma got a free kick but 5 of their players surrounded Taylor screaming for a yellow card, this went on all night


    I don't think Taylor is a good ref but I thought he had a good game, especially under the circumstances



  10. 1 minute ago, Bimpy474 said:


    Well Willock plays left but from centre midfield, so you can't include him in the left sided numbers really, he's, iirc only ever started wide left once. 


    Joe has so aye he can, Isak also but I don't think that will continue really, I think we'll see rotation of him and Wilson up top with the extra Cup to play in now. I suspect Joe will play mainly central midfield for the same reasons.


    So for me it's ASM & Gordon as the two purely for the left wing position, with rest as stop gaps, and as you've quite rightly said, just the two on the right. Another proper wide player who can play either side is probably a must for the extra games.


    That's why I put Joelinton and Willock as one, as they interchange, even if the starting position and the average position is probably more Joelinton's


    Getting a wide player I can understand, especially a versatile one but a purely left sided one doesn't make sense 

  11. 1 minute ago, catlover24 said:

    Gordon can be effective on the right as well. He's been played there a bit by Howe.

    I agree, he's played there a bit but he's very much a wide player so we still have 4 main wide players, with 1 other likely to play there (Joelinton-Willock) and another that will from time to time (Isak)

  12. I'm not worried even in the slightest about him leaving this summer 


    Don't think he pushes for a move at this stage and we aren't a team that will try to push our best players out to make a few quid 

  13. I do like Barnes but he's very much a wide player, that too left sided


    In terms of left sided we have 





    Isak at times


    Then for the other side we have 





    That's 4 (with possibly 5-6) for 2 positions, so Barnes unless someone is leaving wouldn't make sense 

  14. 2 hours ago, SteV said:

    Man City are always a bit tight around the homegrown quota. Unless I’m missing someone they have:











    *not sure whether some of them even count due to age


    So unless they have another kid ready to step up, they would have to be buying a homegrown replacement if any of the above were sold


    Ake probably counts as homegrown? 


    City didn't even name a full 25 squad so even if they ended up with only 7 homegrown player it's not an issue for them 

  15. It's typical Mourinho though, rather than accept his negative tactics ultimately let him down he has to blame others so his managerial reputation remains intact.


    I've never understood the fascination some of our fans have with him managing us, I'm even referring to a few years back as well (not when he was in his prime and actually elite), shit football and a bellend to boot.


    Whilst the way he plays is suited to competition football, I can see him getting joy with PSG in the CL, in a competitive league his style is massively outdated.

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