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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 1 minute ago, TheDarkKnight said:


    No. I'm disregarding people's opinions who are disrespecting a manager who had just brought European Cup football to Newcastle.


    If Eddie Howe buys him (and it's a big if) then you have to respect his decision.


    Nobody is disrespecting Eddie Howe man, that's nonsense


    People don't rate McTominay, that's completely understandable


    Otherwise using your logic, a guy that brought CL back to Man-U and ended their trophy drought would be willing to sell him, are you disrespecting him? 


    You can defend McTominay without resorting to childish arguments 

  2. 2 hours ago, Nucasol said:

    I’d actually keep him with the team until the January window. We’ll have lots of PL games, Carabao and the CL. Eddie spending quality time coaching him and then having the potential to cause chaos as an impact sub, think LuaLua under Sir Bobby.


    By the end of this season Kuol will have played somewhere in the region of 30 games across his first two years of football. LuaLua had played 61 for Colchester at an equivalent stage but not national team at a World Cup.




    Based on Howe's comments he'll be sent on loan again and I think that is the right move


    He needs to be playing football and by staying around, as valuable as it could be he won't get anywhere near enough minutes


    A loan until January makes sense, then reviewed to see what the next step should be 

  3. 1 minute ago, TheDarkKnight said:


    As opposed to a Burnley loanee, Weghorst?


    McTominay spent a big chunk of his youth career playing as a striker.

    Weghorst is at least a striker, not a very good one I admit


    I would love it to happen because McTominay will never be a decent striker 

  4. 2 minutes ago, TheDarkKnight said:


    It's true.


    It's amazing how many UEFA qualified coaches are on football posting boards.



    I find comments like this to be completely illogical


    If you want to disregard the opinion of someone that doesn't rate a player because they aren't UEFA qualified coaches then equally you should stop sharing yours, unless of course you are a UEFA qualified coach?

  5. 35 minutes ago, Boey_Jarton said:

    Many Liverpool fans have an interesting definition of cheating and fairness when it comes to football ownership. 


    As an honest Newcastle fan, I will admit that it isn't in the spirit of football to have sovereign nations connected with football ownership.


    That ship has sailed unfortunately and you can argue that the fairest system is one where any club, from around the world, is able to have unrestricted investment to help it grow. 


    Their definition of fairness is that every club should lock into the wealth and revenues they have now (which is a function of historical success and whether the club has been run sensibly) and that should never be able to change for eternity. All clubs should respect their place in the pecking order and no investment should be allowed to change that. 





    And the success came as a result of money being pumped into those clubs


    Liverpool and Man-U fans are the worst for it, they have this arrogance about the money they generate being genuine and anyone that has revenue beyond that (in the case of City and us) is cheating and evil


    Yet those clubs managed to get themselves in a position to generate money on the back of money being pumped in that was way beyond their actual revenue. Their base is built upon rich benefactors but they have this warped sense of old money is pure and noble whilst new money is evil



  6. "Sold their soul yet even now they are still obsessed with little old Sunderland.

    For the first time this season I was willing Man City to not win the League, why. Because they are not the Man City that I used to see as being not to dissimilar to SAFC, a team with loyal fans who suffered for many years and had to put up with glory seeking neighbours. Now I just see them as a bit of a soulless club funded by blood money where success has become quite hollow. NUFC are going down the very same road of being meaningless to anybody who doesn’t support them."


    And this is further evidence of when they started to care about human rights


    Wanted City to always win the league but because he now has to pretend to care about human rights he can't want them to win any longer



  7. 8 minutes ago, FloydianMag said:

    Mini meltdown on groomers about our new potential sponsors SELA, its delightful to read.

    Can we read it or have they done a North Korea and hidden it?

  8. 5 minutes ago, Abacus said:

    I could be completely wrong about this, but I'm not sure the PL could stop a sponsorship at any level even with a related party. But what they can do is limit the amount that is then counted from a FFP point of view.


    If that's right, go as high as possible, and then if the PL set the FFP qualifying amount from that deal as too low, tangle them up in legal arguments about it for years.


    Anything we get that's over and above a fair FFP amount, we could presumably just use on non FFP spend - like the stadium etc. Which stops the owners needing to put in more capital as cash for that kind of investment.


    That's exactly right, no doubt they'll try and count as low a figure as possible whereas we'll push for as high as possible, something will no doubt have to give

  9. 1 minute ago, Chicken Dancer said:

    It would be crazy to use a company owned by PIF imo. Just asking for trouble.

    I think it could be quite a smart move actually providing we aren't claiming it to be hundreds of millions


    If it was the £25m that was reported how on earth can the PL say that isn't fair? We are now a Champions League club and it's still considerably less than the other CL clubs and even clubs that aren't in it (Spurs, Chelsea)


    If the PL look to push it then perhaps we are confident that it can be legally challenged with ease

  10. 2 hours ago, huss9 said:

    what is it with luke edwards?


    on radio newcastle this morning - giving Eddie the credit he deserves and then having a sly dig at Rafa.

    something about surpassing/being better than Rafa.

    just unneccessary.

    But no dig at Bruce I guess?

  11. He's incredible


    I was delighted when it looked like Emery was going to get the job but was very quickly on board with Howe as I've always admired and respected what he did with Bournemouth, when you actually look at what he did with such little resources it was unbelievable 


    I've backed him from day one and proud to say I didn't waver at any stage with him, even after that low point after Watford when quite a few fans were vocal about him, however despite being confident he'd do well never did I expect it would be this well. When you stop and actually think about it, to achieve this in his first full season is absolutely ridiculous.


    No doubt there'll be fans and some pundits that will try to minimise it by waffling on about unlimited money and spending but we know that's not the reason, we know he's worked absolutely wonders. The players pre takeover that have improved is testament to that.


    I'm so happy for him, the work he's put in he deserves this. First time he'll be managing in Europe, he's probably already planning for it but I hope he really takes a moment and just enjoys this for as long as possible because he bloody deserves it.

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