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Posts posted by Steggy

  1. Going to be a daddy.. not injury related


    Didn't Williamson travel home for the same reason?


    Sort of and not, he did not go to states, he travelled to Holland yesterday and Captained reserves today.

    His Mrs is still preggers was having a few complications.

    Skirgey you sexy lil ITK.

  2. Occasionally (Reading away in promotion season) general sale tickets members, in large number massively harms the atmosphere. that isnt to mean i support the change


    Remember that. I brought a mate along who supports Aston Villa. I was bigging up how good are away fans are, and the atmosphere was fucking non existant.

  3. If he was as bad as often made out we would be in a lot worse position and he would be a laughing stock. Keepers in this country generally don't get too many chances until they are labled a clown but I don't remember him ever being singled out. As said in my initial post, these faults are spotted (not made up) but they are far too exaggerated.


    Harper can be slow to react but it's nowhere near as bad/frequent as made out.


    Before he got a couple of goals with his head Best was the worst headerer of the ball ever!! That may be an exaggeration itself but it wasn't far off and was quickly becoming one of his things.


    Steve Harper reacts to shots via club txt alert.


    :lol: :lol:

  4. What was the challenge like? What the fuck do those retarded tossers over in the USA think their doing trying to slice and dice somebody recovering from a long term injury in a fucking pre season friendly? Unbeleivable. What a whole load of utter fucking cack this whole tour is.



    :facepalm: :dowie: Fucking idiot. So retarded.

  5. What was the challenge like? What the fuck do those retarded tossers over in the USA think their doing trying to slice and dice somebody recovering from a long term injury in a fucking pre season friendly? Unbeleivable. What a whole load of utter fucking cack this whole tour is.

  6. As an "out-of-towner" who must make a special trip to Newcastle (or even just to UK) to see Newcastle United play, the membership fee wouldn't bother me one bit. By the time that I have factored in air travel, hotel, car etc plus decided where in the ground I wanted tickets (real good seats rather than L7) then the additional membership fees would be negligible in the big scheme of things.  An extra £20 when I'm spending a grand or more for the trip is not going to make any impact.


    I see it affecting locals moreso than overseas visitors. People who don't go regularly due to costs, and want to buy tickets as a special treat for the kiddo's birthday or special occasion. The extra £20 to someone who scraped together just enough for cheap tickets to the back of L7 might be enough to stop them from going.


    Following on the "foreign fans" theme...


    If I travel to the UK and I happen to be in London when NUFC is in town, can I not just buy a match ticket at the park on match day?


    ...or have I just exposed my ignorance for all to see?  I've never been to a match in the UK.  :no:  Any guidance / pointers / brutal sarcasm would be welcome.

    Nah you probably wouldn't have been able to do that anyway, but you would've been able to order tickets in advance for the match. Now you would only be able to go if you bought a membership.

  7. Thats quite interesting actually. There must be so many faces they'd have to remember though, how do they go about that? And also how does it work for the away fans. Surely the police officers affiliated to that club only know what that particular clubs group of scumsters look like.

    They always have about 4 away police with them and ours go away and patrol when we play away.


    Hmmm but thats 4 police to potentially 5000-6000 fans when we go to places like Blackburn and Wigan?

  8. Say we were playing Barnsley away, an officer from Northumbria police would point out to the local South Yorkshire police who the known instigators are and South Yorkshire police would watch them closely for the entire time.


    I see. Can't imagine it works that well then, sounds like it would be fairly easy for someone with a banning order to get into grounds and watch the games if they behave and don't draw fuck loads of attention to themselves.

  9. Thats quite interesting actually. There must be so many faces they'd have to remember though, how do they go about that? And also how does it work for the away fans. Surely the police officers affiliated to that club only know what that particular clubs group of scumsters look like.

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