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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Well our defending can only get better I suppose...
  2. West Ham have a decent starting 11, just hoping they perform like they did against Southampton.
  3. The numbers we bring in as well will depend on how many leave. We've still got Dummet, Kraft, Manquillo, Richie, Lewis & Fraser on the wage bill. IF we're 'only' in the Europa League/Conference some of those would be find in the earlier stages.
  4. Honestly think one of the highlights of this season has been listening to other clubs moan about us week in, week out. As Eddie said we're not here to be liked.
  5. Anyone know if a good quality crash helmet would count towards FFP?
  6. They'd all left anyway, what were they going to do? Thank the empty seats?
  7. I don't want to alarm anyone, but our Newcastle United are third.
  8. Willock is making a lot happen, would keep him on. Bring Joe on for Longstaff imo.
  9. Big Joe, Gordon, Targett, Anderson are all available to give us something extra. Nice going into a second half and having options.
  10. This has 0-1 loss sucker punch written all over it.
  11. That angle, thought that was about to be an absolute banger of a goal
  12. They're definitely growing into the game. No problem with getting to half time at 0-0.
  13. Willock hits that anywhere else and its 1-0. Jesus we're good. Compare this to 18 months ago man.
  14. Erm, where is Carmina Burana & Local hero? Edit: Well at least they played one of them I guess.
  15. Montenegro/Serbia is pretty placid for a Balkan game involving Serbia, pretty much the only country that broke away from the Yugoslavia relatively peacefully and democratically.
  16. Love still being away to hear the away fans as they interview Isak.
  18. Anderson done more in 3 minutes than ASM in 45.
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