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Posts posted by PineBarrens

  1. Huge over reactions on here.


    Barnetta is far more pacy and tricky anyway.


    You're spot on, everything's fine and we're not going to struggle at all this forthcoming season, oh no.

  2. It would be terrible if something tragic happened to Mike and Derek, just awful.


    Quoted for evidence.


    I killed the pair of them last night, with my mind.

  3. Carroll isn't telling the whole truth, Nolan isn't telling the whole truth, Enrique isn't telling the whole truth, Keegan isn't telling the whole truth...


    When will it finally click for people? :lol:


    Fine, if Nolan is lying then we'll just wait for Newcastle's response.....waiting....still waiting...hmm, where is it?


    If every single person past or present and alive and kicking connected with NUFC said the same thing people would still give fatso and mute scorsese the benefit of the doubt.

  4. As fans, I've noticed a lot more comments along the lines recently of "I'd not be happy paying that much for potential incoming player" or "£xmillion for potential outgoing player is a great deal."


    Why do we care? Its the clubs money after all, it's affecting none of our wallets. As long as we're not going ridiculous like Jordan Henderson esque deals, frankly I'm not arsed if we would be paying over the odds. Sometimes you have to do it if you want the player and that's something that Ashley has never grasped and will never bend to. Its an overly rigid policy that will more often than not see targets slip through the net whilst we settle for third of forth choices.


    As for outgoing deals, it doesn't really matter if we got £2million or £12million for someone like Routledge. It doesnt affect one bit our spending so any incoming money is almost irrelevant.


    I've been saying this for yonks, only to be effectively accused of wanting the club to go under.


    I for one couldn't truly enjoy that mild October day back in 1996 when we howked manchester united 5-0, because in the back of my mind as every goal went in was the nagging concern of our sizeable wage bill. That, and the alarming amount of blokes with centre-partings...

  5. So, just to clarify: the C.H.U.D.S. from Wearside continue to crow about a result which occured so early in the 20th Century that almost no living Sunderland fan can claim to bare witness to, and one which also occured in the same season that we won the league title. It's high time they put down their banjo's, well-thumbed copies of 'Tyneside Mafia & Other True Conspiracies' and attempted to live their embittered lives free from the shackles of their NUFC-centered tiny minds. Cretins.

  6. 'what's there to do in Sunderland?'


    'who's that old lesbian that looks like dorothy from the golden girls?'

    'that's you're new manager, mr steve bruce'

    'can I get out of signing for this club?'


    'ah, bowwocks!'



    Signing talented, moody players always leads to destruction; just look at the likes of Cantona, Bellamy, Maradona and Romario for incontrovertible proof of such folly. Far better getting in the likes of Danny Simpson and Ryan Taylor, good steady professionals. Talent? Hardest game in the world, mate.


    But these players are terribly average and will be caught out in the premier league. Im fully aware not every team in the premier league is man united but even the poorer teams and newly promoted are signing better players than the likes of danny simpson (Wasnt deemed good enough by sunderland) and ryan taylor (We blatently only bought him to stop wigan beating us all the time)., We dont even have to spend millions, What about petrov to bolton!?!?!? we've had the advantage of knowing where we are next season and so far it looks like there has been no shortlist for transfer targets made.


    There was a soupcon of sarcasm contained within my post, comrade.

    Sarcasm noted, i need to leave this thread before it consumes me :|



    It's the magic eye of threads.

  8. Signing talented, moody players always leads to destruction; just look at the likes of Cantona, Bellamy, Maradona and Romario for incontrovertible proof of such folly. Far better getting in the likes of Danny Simpson and Ryan Taylor, good steady professionals. Talent? Hardest game in the world, mate.


    But these players are terribly average and will be caught out in the premier league. Im fully aware not every team in the premier league is man united but even the poorer teams and newly promoted are signing better players than the likes of danny simpson (Wasnt deemed good enough by sunderland) and ryan taylor (We blatently only bought him to stop wigan beating us all the time)., We dont even have to spend millions, What about petrov to bolton!?!?!? we've had the advantage of knowing where we are next season and so far it looks like there has been no shortlist for transfer targets made.


    There was a soupcon of sarcasm contained within my post, comrade.

  9. Signing talented, moody players always leads to destruction; just look at the likes of Cantona, Bellamy, Maradona and Romario for incontrovertible proof of such folly. Far better getting in the likes of Danny Simpson and Ryan Taylor, good steady professionals. Talent? Hardest game in the world, mate.

  10. Big-boned Frank may have a myriad amount of critics, but he'll always have one thing over his fodd-headed rival - he can't abide the music of Phil Collins.

  11. As if! I can only hope to languish in the deceptively candescent shadows of such a broadcasting giant. And a superb biography to boot.


    I don't even possess one of Napoleon's timepieces...

  12. I'm a somewhat rational, realistic mammal. Allowing for the quixotic, ephemeral nature of the beast that is Newcastle United, i'd (naively) hoped that we'd reached the stage where making an arse of this thing of ours was to be a mere thing of the past.


    The Howard Hughes of Berkshire has indeed been the first owner  in living memory to invest his own money ( rightly or wrongly, people will argue nonetheless), but lord on high, what earthly purpose does such a poorly-worded, grammatically inept and frankly unhelpful statement ever hope to achieve?


    Extract the inherent hope from a large percentage of Newcastle fans (again, rightly or wrongly, i'm not a Rod Serling-esque judge), then you're left with what exactly - an abridged version of hope? A re-adjusted, malajusted evaluation of expectation?


    I highly doubt anyone is kidding themselves prior to this released statement that NUFC are to storm their way to a European finish. However, Everton football club have managed rather well this past few years on a prudent budget without ever having to resort to some quasi-populisist nonsense as per this evening's statement.


    In short, what was the f***ing point?



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