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Everything posted by Ameritoon

  1. I actually thought the flag cape picture would end these jokes. So naive
  2. Ameritoon

    Dan Burn

    Well, good thing we bought backup fullbacks
  3. Had a dream we scored early and won. Have a bang on that.
  4. Huge victory, love these lads. They step up so often in big moments.
  5. Yup, seems like we finally have at least one good football decision-maker at USSF to bring her in, and he's also English
  6. There's just no point to sacking him right now. Never going to get the right person in so suddenly and basically calling the season a wash when it doesn't have to be.
  7. Bruno's never getting that call but keeps doing it
  8. Why have we been diving into challenges all afternoon?
  9. Get in. Reminds me of his Burnley goal two years back
  10. How does Bellingham keep doing it
  11. Should've just fucked off and came over for this. Maybe for the quarterfinals
  12. Can confirm LFEE is not a danger and has an extra bed or cot if you so prefer @Isaak. It's definitely your best option, plus if we win the post match pints will be necessary.
  13. That's too cool of a goal to call off either way
  14. Don't miss the ninge era
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