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Everything posted by Ameritoon

  1. Nah, I wouldn't be so cruel as to do that. Or am I? FM mind games at their finest.
  2. Made some sort of audible noise when I saw this picture, the person next to me is confused.
  3. Not that concerned yet, seems to important to the club and the player for it to not get sorted out.
  4. What is the appeal of Stuart Pearce? I'll never understand that.
  5. Ameritoon

    Yohan Cabaye

    Rewatching the game and Cabaye was waving and clapping to the crowd right before the pre-game handshake
  6. Pleat said before the Spurs game that Carr was in France scouting over the weekend. More than likely Maiga, I'd think.
  7. Ameritoon


    It's great because I've seen this picture 100 times, but there's always some new part of it that makes me laugh.
  8. Not watching, but my friend told me Wilkins has said "No chance for the keeper" after every goal.
  9. 15 goals last season and 4 in 6 so far currently, doesn't sound like reasons to be pessimistic.
  10. Anyone who can think for themselves will realize this argument is bullshit. We've drawn two teams in the believed top 6, the rest of the league is pretty much in the same group. Does losing to Man Utd or City mean this whole run of form was a fluke? It's not like we're fighting for the title, the most realistic option for us in Europa League, and we've so far beaten the teams we need to in order to be on that path. And obviously the fact we've picked up ten more points with these fixtures than last years proves what a shit argument it is.
  11. That seems to be the way things work, recently at least. Not so much with Rozehnal, Cacapa, etc.
  12. Well, I wouldn't go far back as a decade, but it definitely was a positive thing.
  13. Kind of odd we went with someone who will be at ACoN, that's one of the main reasons I think we really needed a striker, get someone in to take over for Ba. Nonetheless, sounds like a good player, let's just hope that Mali, Senegal and the Ivory Coast crash out early, or that this deal even happens.
  14. He somehow managed to look completely unimpressive, yet still score. Crazy that you've just never seem him play for us.
  15. Ameritoon


    I lived about ten minutes from Canada. Sounds good enough.
  16. Ameritoon

    Steven Taylor

    He's really benefiting from Colo, I think that's the main reason for the step up recently. Every game he does one or two things that you'd expect out of him from the last few years, but they do seem to be cutting down a bit. Just needs to step back for half a second and think before doing something so aggressive.
  17. Ameritoon


    Still some absolutely ignorant views though. Even in one of their more level-headed threads.
  18. As a left footed player, it's my main (pretty much only) asset.
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