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Everything posted by sparkzter

  1. sparkzter


    I agree, I suspect he can do very well there and they can enjoy a mini revival, but it will always be one training ground incident, one chinning of a player away from going over a cliff, will be fascistnating to see. Exactly, you only need to hear the horror stories from past players he has managed. No more posting on this thread! It shouldn't be anywhere near the top of the page.
  2. Wish our attacking under Pards was as accurate as this post. You can't blame people, we have seen good players turn into shadows of themselves. Drop in form across the team.
  3. sparkzter


    Let them have their time is the sun, they are having new manager and results euphoria. Just be more worried about our own team, I couldn't give a fuck what they are doing. We've seen this time and time again with them, they'll stop up, the media with have a cream fest about it, so be it. It's next year when things start going wrong it'll get ugly. PDc is great when it's good, but when it's bad he is just a nightmare of a human being.
  4. Points against Liverpool and QPR I reckon. Hopefully be enough. Unfortunately I think Liverpool will pump us.
  5. sparkzter

    Alan Pardew

    Its just stupid talk - lets be stable and every year be shitting it, in and around the relegation area. We all know last year was a one off fluke year where everything that could have, went for us. This is how it is under this joker, I gave him a chance but I'TS THE SAME OLD SHIT EVERY BLOODY GAME. We easily play the worst football in the league, our set pieces are woeful, we cant score, we ship goals, have zero tactics. Aye, lets be "stable" under Pardew.
  6. Pretty much what I'm thinking.
  7. Right! Lets be positive, where are we picking up points the rest of the season?
  8. sparkzter

    Alan Pardew

    Finally think he will get some shit from the Fans at the Livepool game, this guys beyond belief. Utter shit and talks bollocks, cant wait to see the back of him. Anti football arsehole.
  9. Please, I'm depressed enough about us already without being reminded. Another pardew master stroke
  10. sparkzter

    Alan Pardew

    Aye but lets face it, been shit all season. We had it coming from them. Never in the world should that team be beating the "purple team" we put out so easily. Shock results can happen but that was an utter no show from us, the guy has ran out of excuses and did so a long time ago. The delusion on some people defending him is just crazy talk, stats don't lie. Its garbage.
  11. our corners have now become a weapon for the other team, seriously we have as much chance as conceding a goal when we take a corner on the break as we do of scoring one. What is it now 274 corners without a goal or something? Pathetic
  12. sparkzter

    Alan Pardew

    Absolutely. Short summaries are the best, this in a nutshell.
  13. sparkzter

    Alan Pardew

    We are stuck with him till we get relegated, crowd disappears and things get really nasty as in fans v board/manager. We've packed the ground the last 3 games, Pardew is going nowhere
  14. sparkzter

    Alan Pardew

    We are shot all over the pitch. It's a total shambles. I think he has ran out if ideas and actually has no idea what to do. Next will be loss in belief from the players towards him ( I actually think a few have turned already) Needs to go.
  15. Been thinking this for a while. Passenger these days
  16. Was always gonna happen like this. It's time we got results and stopped relying on other teams. Fuck this season.
  17. sparkzter

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I love this lad as a player but we are going to have to make a decision sooner or later to let him go if his injuries continue. Crying shame but the playing time to time at club ratio just isn't good enough. Really hope this injury gets sorted and he turns it round otherwise we will need to get a replacement. Who? God knows.
  18. sparkzter

    Alan Pardew

    The away results and performances have been a joke though. Of the 160 teams that make up the top 7 divisions in English football 156 have picked up more points away from home than us. The only teams who've picked up fewer points than us (8) are Droylsden (3), Hinckley (4) and Reading (5). Whatever his gameplans have been away from SJP it's gone horribly, horribly wrong more often than not. It's happened too often to be written off as a coincidence or a fluke. It's an atrocious stat. We set up too defensively away from home, which is baffling as we can't defend very well, with us having the worst defence away from home in the Premiership would that point out. What i don't get is why we seem more attacking in Europe, i just hope Pardew lets the players play the same way in the league now, without the errors of course. style of football the oppo play more than likely, slower game and less pressure from the home team will lead to it being easier for us to play a more expansive game I was thinking that myself but it can't just be so simple surely. Maybe when you play domestic gamse you are more guarded as you know those teams inside out. This all goes back to Pardew though, if his mindset is to be cautious and defensive then his team will reflect it. After watching us play hoofball, set penises that are so poor it's become a joke, ridiculous comments in the media, a defence that is one of the worst in the league. And as Midds has pointed out, one of the worst away records in the country, even one of the four teams worse than us actually beat us at home. I'm not sure how anyone can still want him here, i'm just unsure how far and how bad we have to be for the reality of his limitations to set in. And for some to realise that he is just a poor manager and coach. Well summed up, really beyond me how anyone can see any positives in Pardew being our manager.
  19. sparkzter


    Amazing :lol: Superb!
  20. Tragic that it has come to this - "squeeking" a couple of wins. We should never have been anywhere near this positio. This season, FFs.
  21. sparkzter

    Alan Pardew

    no chance, we need a manager who can get us moving forward on the pitch. THe stale football we play is a pathetic excuse at the sport, we need someone new imo.
  22. sparkzter


    You really think Mike Ashley gave him an 8-year contract without any clauses? He can get rid of him whenever he wants to. Exactly this.
  23. sparkzter


    Shame it wasn't Pardew, almost jealous they have got shot of their shit manager.
  24. sparkzter

    Alan Pardew

    Last year was the luckiest year I've seen us play in for years. We had the rub of the green loads of times and injuries were no way as bad for us as they are normally. We had a great season despite Pardew, probably a few on here could have had us finish as high as we did. The guys a fraud and has been found out, he has been backed by the board but our play is easily one of the worst in the league to watch. It's so sad to see good layers being dragged down to the levels of Pardew style. He has to go at the end of the season for me like, it's miserable watching us and he'll drag us down.
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