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Everything posted by sparkzter

  1. sparkzter

    Alan Pardew

    Well, we're do we go from here? 11 goals in 2 goals. Just not good enough. If I was this bad at my job, I'd have been sacked by now. We will get fuck all from Everton. Moral will be absolutely rock bottom by now, no wonder our better players are having their head turned.
  2. i absolutely detest everything about Manchester united and the arse licking the media give them. Great performance by the team, keep playing like that and we will destroy teams, desperately need some new players though.
  3. I do think we will stop up but it'll be down to other teams unbelievably being worse than us. Long season of shite for us left.
  4. Anyone who thinks there is no chance we will get relegated has their head buried in the sand. We have been terrible all season with or without injuries. I'm not saying we will def go down but there is a real chance we could. Thus is just like the year we went down all over again. No ideas going forward, terrible mistakes at the back and a non existing midfield.
  5. sparkzter

    Alan Pardew

    Fulham are poor at the mo, there for the taking. We are just worse.
  6. sparkzter

    Alan Pardew

    Yup, and tell me any players who are going to want to come here in January with the way it is going.
  7. sparkzter

    Alan Pardew

    Gotta go for me now. Have tried to see any positives but there aren't any.
  8. Sick of this and sick of Pardew. Tonight has finished it for me with him. Joke subs, we are going backwards with this joker in charge.
  9. I'm hating football right now. Ffs.
  10. sparkzter

    Pardew Out?

    Yup, that contract will mean nothing. Ashley and crew will have tonnes of clauses in it to their favour.
  11. sparkzter

    Alan Pardew

    Finally think people have now seen through Pardew. Yes we had a great season last year, but not much of that was down to Pardew in my opinion, lucky wins lack of injuries and some individual brilliance got us 5th. We never hammered anyone and we weren't playing teams off the park, tactics were dodgy, long ball nonsense and no plan b. This was coming, anyone who really thinks otherwise needs to have a hard think about last season and how good we really were as a football team and not how the stars lined up for us and things went our way for the first time in years. I dont think the 8 year contract means a dam thing, no way has Ashley stitched himself up, it will be full of clauses and results driven add ons. If they want him out, they will at not that much cost to the club. They have learnt the hard way with Allardyce. The question is if Pardew is sacked/leaves who the hell would want the job?
  12. sparkzter

    Papiss Cissé

    We got lucky with Cisse last season. This is the real one we are saying now. Totally thick. Needs dropped.
  13. We rode our luck last year and had players in a purple patch. Get used to this, gonna be a long season with Pardew talking the talk but in no way walking the walk. Couple more performances like this and he will totally lose the fans, zero excuses in my opinion. Pathetic.
  14. Wonder how long Pardew will get before the crowd start turning on him. Shocking performance against a shit side.
  15. Not sure why people are surprised at this, we have been totally shit all season with no sign of improvement. Not sure what has happened but its pathetic.
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