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Everything posted by sparkzter

  1. sparkzter

    Alan Pardew

    Get rid of this idiot.
  2. sparkzter

    Alan Pardew

    Definitely in the get rid of him club.
  3. Really need to get a new manager in for next season. Soon as we get knocked out of the euro cup Ashley and co better be on the search
  4. Really need the other results to go for us, I'm getting really worried we will get sucked into it.
  5. Big picture being? benfica games, winnable home games coming up that may have been much harder had we took a number of knocks in this game. I understand all that but how can you explain the inept performance, and it's not just this game. No excuses to be so utterly flat and useless, lacking ideas etc. yes we aren't expecting any result today but nit an excuse t o just not turn up. Wouldn't be so bad but we are like this agains the so called lesser teams. Any result against Benfica will have fuck all to do with Pardew.
  6. Listen mate. Ashley has backed this idiot to the hilt. It's Pardew's fault and nobody else's. Exactly! Blame needs to be put on Pardew, how anyone is happy with this idiot as our manager is unbelievable.
  7. The sad thing is we actually have some good players now, yeah we have a load of injuries but even with a full or almost full squad it's the same shit. I really want Pardew to fuck off now, we only win despite him, not due to him.
  8. Going no where under Pardew. It's just the same old every game, pathetic really.
  9. Don't know how we will cope watching this dross all next season, so poor. Hate being a negative git but FFs.
  10. they aren't blind, they might not say it but trust me, they know. Everyone knows.
  11. We've been shit all season and will continue to be under Pardew. It's torture watching us.
  12. Ta for that, everyone needs to voice their disgust at this.
  13. Don't start me on media starving whelan either, I'm not a spiteful guy but I hope something horrible happens to that tosser.
  14. Who can you contact at the fa about this, it won't do a dam thing but It'll make me feel better just blasting them on an email or something. Whole fa are a total joke, do they do anything correctly?
  15. Bloke is a liability and has been for ages, anyone else would be getting flamed on here.
  16. Will people ever realise that it doesn't matter what players we sign, it doesnt matter if our manager has no idea. Tiote is a muppet, payed right into their hands.
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