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Away Toon

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Everything posted by Away Toon

  1. i need to get my post count up a little, so while I'm on it, Williamson is out of his depth along with Perch in this division.
  2. and ignored by the whole of Spain ever since despite the fact they are desperate for a left back for the national team
  3. is that the same Ronaldo who blamed Krul for N'Zogbia's second goal?
  4. who says Enrique is highly rated. He's certainly not In Spain. I'm not saying he's as useless as the various Right Backs we have but this idea that's he's some kind of world beating left back is laughable.
  5. Cleverley had been on for about a minute before he skinned Jose who obviously decided the ball was going out, and laid it back to some Wigan plank all alone on the penalty area who messed it up. Which sums him up. Good going forward a liability defensively which he was for the entire season the last time we played in this division
  6. Can we get one thing straight once and for all, although Enrique is an OK passer and reasonable going forward he is a pretty shit defender, often out of position and constantly trying to play himself out of trouble when all he needs to do is boot it.
  7. AIG were the main sponsors until they went tits up and were bailed out by the US Government with tax payers money. Then again we benefited in the same way with Northern Rock, so at least some of the taxes you pay went to a good cause. I'm personally excused Taxes.
  8. Nobody biting. Which government has already bailed out Man U?
  9. Government money has already been used to prop up Man Utd.
  10. Away Toon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I don't know if it's already been posted as I can't be bothered to read through this long tiresome thread anymore, but OM have given Gignac his number 10 shirt, which pretty much means he will definitely leave which i think we all knew anyhow. Where he goes no idea but unlikely to be us after all this time unless we are the only offer Marseille have on the table and they decide to just get rid of him for a year until they can find someone to buy him.
  11. Away Toon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    It's probably unwise to assume anything but we appear very unlikely to actually buy HBA at the moment, so a loan fee is all we can offer Marseille. Who would pay his salary? Because the quoted salary he is currently on, must equate to over £50,000 a week, a figure probably double if rumours are true on what we are now prepared to pay new players. Maybe Marseille will continue to pay his salary and we just have to pay the loan fee, which is apparently the case with Bellamy at Cardiff.
  12. Away Toon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    The article I copied is on L'Equipe's web site. I have more confidence in them then anybody else however until it's officially announced...... However a four year contract on a huge salary nearly twice what he was on at Marseille at a club playing in the Champions League (tonight) has got to be pretty tempting, compared with a one years loan on fucks knows what pittance we were prepared to pay him, and having to play with Nolan or even worse compete with him for the second striker role. Only Alan Shearer in the history of football has ever made such an irrational choice as HBA would have to, by continuing to insist that NUFC are the only club he will play for.
  13. Away Toon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Annoncé à Newcastle, avec qui il s'était accordé financièrement sur un prêt d'une saison, Hatem Ben Arfa n'a toujours pas choisi sa future destination. Le Werder Brême, qui vient de céder Mesut Özil pour 20 millions d'euros au Real Madrid, vient de transmettre une offre à Marseille pour son milieu offensif. Le club allemand, qui aurait fait de l'international français sa priorité, propose 8 millions d'euros à l'OM. Les dirigeants phocéens sont en passe de donner leur aval pour cette cession. « Si Ben Arfa et ses conseillers sont O.K., ça ne nous gênera pas du tout. Nous pensons mêmeque le Championnat allemand lui conviendramieux que le jeu pratiqué en Angleterre », a précisé à L'Equipe le président marseillais Jean-Claude Dassier. Une décision définitive pourrait être prise mercredi. Hatem Ben Arfa, qui a de nouveau séché l'entraînement mardi, se serait déjà mis d'accord, via ses conseillers, avec le Werder et leur directeur sportif, l'ancien joueur marseillais Klaus Allofs. Ben Arfa signerait pour quatre ans avec Brême, qui doit affronter la Sampdoria Gênes, mercredi soir, lors du 3e tour préliminaire de Ligue des champions. Son nouveau salaire serait de l'ordre de 4,5 millions d'euros bruts annuels, alors qu'il émargeait à 220 000 euros bruts par mois à l'OM. Encore sous contrat avec Marseille jusqu'en 2012, l'ancien Lyonnais avait été acheté 12 millions d'euros à l'OL en 2008. Can't be bothered to translate it all, but basically Bremen have offered 8 m Euro's and Marseille will accept that figure and also think Germany is a better destination for HBA anyhow. Also that he has agreed personal terms with Bremen for a four year contract 4.5 m Euro salary. Everything should be official sometime today. Well done Mike, for once a decent player wanted to come here and once again you wouldn't get out the money.
  14. Away Toon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I think basically we either make an offer to buy him outright or forget him as there would appear to be no way Marseille will loan him to us anymore. At 5m which is probably what he would cost he's a serious risk, not because he can't play, but because if nothing else this whole saga has confirmed what most people suspected already he's a difficult temperamental french twat. Do we really need another one at the club? Then as again in all likelihood we will go back down this season we might as well do it with some style and drama.
  15. Away Toon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    La tension est montée d'un cran ce jeudi après-midi à Marseille, où le contexte qui entoure le marché des transferts est explosif. De retour du match de l'équipe de France mercredi soir à Oslo (1-2), Hatem Ben Arfa n'est pas resté longtemps au centre d'entraînement Robert Louis-Dreyfus. Avant la séance, le buteur tricolore, accompagné de son conseiller et de son acvocat, s'est entretenu avec Jean-Claude Dassier. La discussion a été assez vive. Le président du club lui a fait savoir qu'il n'était pas question qu'il quitte l'OM alors que le joueur n'attend qu'une chose : le feu vert pour rejoindre Newcastle. « Hatem ne partira pas, a expliqué Dassier. Il est sous contrat et restera donc çà l'OM.» Vexé, l'ancien Lyonnais a pris ses affaires et a quitté les lieux en lâchant : «Je ne reviendrai plus !» Quant à Didier Deschamps, il compte sur son meneur de jeu samedi à Valenciennes. «Hatem est toujours un joueur de l'OM et j'ai l'habitude de compter sur les joueurs qui sont là pour le prochain match», a-t-il indiqué ce jeudi lors de sa conférence de presse qui a eu lieu avant l'entraînement. Comme l'OM est sur le point de se séparer de Niang, en partance vers Fenerbahçe, le club phocéen aurait décidé de conserver Ben Arfa, histoire de ne pas déplumer son côté gauche... (avec H.F., à Marseille) This is from L'Equipe with incidentally HBA looking like a right dickhead in the photo. It's too long to translate but basically HBA went to training accompanied by his adviser and lawyer to talk to Dassier. The conversation ended very quickly with Dassier saying he's not leaving and is under contract, with HBA waiting to be given the green light to go to Newcastle. HBA packed his bags and left and said "and I'm not coming back" Deschamps is however counting on the player for Saturdays game against Valenciennes. As Niang is about to leave for Turkey Marseille have decided not to further weaken the left side of the attack. Bloody hell it's getting better by the minute.
  16. Away Toon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I'm not sure this is a particular good sign though we have all seen that most players in the long run get what they want. However refusing to train/play while under contract is the kind of thing some of the idiots who have played for us recently have tried and nobody has been in a hurry to forgive them.
  17. Away Toon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Hatem Ben Arfa a quitté l'entraînement de l'OM au bout d'un quart d'heure ce jeudi après-midi. Après une rencontre avec l'entraîneur Didier Deschamps, Ben Arfa a donc marqué sa déception en quittant la Commmanderie. Et semble bien décidé à aller jusqu'au bout. L'ancien lyonnais, déclaré indésirable en début de mercato, veut quitter le club pour rejoindre l'Angleterre et Newcastle mais l'OM s'y oppose. Le président Dassier a convoqué une conférence de presse exceptionnelle ce soir. HBA left training after only 15 minutes Thursday afternoon After a meeting with the trainer Didier Deschamps, Ben Arfa showed his unhappiness by leaving the training ground. He seems decided to see this through to the bitter end. The former Lyon player, previously given permission to leave the club at the beginning of the transfer window, wants to leave the club to join Newcastle, however Marseille have now changed their minds. President of OM M. Dassier has called an exceptional press conference for this evening
  18. Away Toon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Plus certains, les départs de Hatem Ben Arfa et Benoît Cheyrou devraient intervenir cette semaine. Celui du premier est acquis. Le milieu offensif aimerait filer au Werder Brême ou à Newcastle, tandis que José Anigo a discuté avec une délégation d'Hoffenheim vendredi. Le club allemand, qui peut prendre en compte le salaire de Ben Arfa, pourrait proposer à l'international des conditions légèrement plus avantageuses qu'à l'OM grâce aux primes. More certain are the departures of Hatem Ben Arfa and Benoit Cheyrou which should be confirmed this week. The first mentioned is nailed on. The attacking midfielder would like to leave for Werder Bremen or Newcastle, though Jose Anigo has spoken with a management delegation from Hoffenheim last friday. The german club are prepared to pay his salary, and can also offer the international, slight more advantageous terms that at L'OM due to the bonus system.
  19. Ben Arfa is a talented but troubled soul like most young people of his ethnicity in France. Marseille despite having massive fan support have no money (similar to us) and need to sell before they can strengthen for the upcoming season, and obviously feel that they can raise some significant funds by selling him. Although he's good he's totally inconsistent and if you think that Jonas hangs on to the ball too long and runs with his head down just wait until you see this boy. If he was cheap and background checks in to his present state of mind were positive he'd be worth a gamble. Time permitting if at any point an accurate translation is required from the French I can do it.
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