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Toon Hoser

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Everything posted by Toon Hoser

  1. Toon Hoser

    NUFC Kits

    Love the design. The colour is OK I guess. Wish we could have consistent away colours, not something different every year.
  2. What the hell is that image meant to convey? There's a welsh dragon roaming the grounds?
  3. Complete shambles of a season for Fiorentina. Doing everything possible to get relegated. Astonishing that they came back to draw tonight.
  4. Toon Hoser

    Papiss Cissé

    2nd goal is like some unreal CGI wizardry. They should let you watch it from Cech's viewpoint in 3D.
  5. Can't see the match, following via this thread. It's got me shaking with rage!
  6. Toon Hoser

    NUFC Kits

    Everyone is different! *puts on blue Carroll 9 shirt from last year, curls up, cries self to sleep*
  7. Will that design be known as the "Newcastle Stripes"? BTW, that Leeds shirt. Yellow highlights on a white shirt = PISS stains.
  8. Mansfield Town. http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/5111/mansfieldtown1213.jpg
  9. Toon Hoser

    NUFC Kits

    as grim dux alluded to there are many names thast are a bit more organic (steelers, oilers, seahawks, 49ers,patriots) but are there many jaguars in jacksonville or titans in tennessee, or are those nicknames purely cos they have the same letter as the place ? Not anymore, there used to be though. I agree, Titans is an awful name. Like I said before, almost all of the teams that are pre-90's teams have historical names. It's just the newer expansion teams that come up with goofy ass names. The Raptors are basically named after Jurassic Park. I'll have you know we have a splendid museum here which houses several dinosaur bone installations. Been here for decades. DECADES.
  10. Didn't Palace have a fan poll to pick a new badge? That looks like the same one.
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