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Posts posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. Fucking hell man, the Carroll sell is a good piece of business for the club, provided the money gets spent on players.  We can rebuild our 1st XI for that which for me, provided we get a £10m striker in the bargain would be preferable to relying on Carroll alone.  Yes we'll drop a couple of places due to not having Carroll, but I think with some spending in the same vein that we've been doing, we can push for Europe next season.


    Selling Cole fucked us over and if he'd have stayed and partnered Ferdinand, I think we could have won silverware.

  2. It pisses me off so much that they don't show Saturday 3pm kick offs either.  Considering there are usually 10 prem matches on in a weekend, you'd think that they could show footy on a Sat PM.  What am I paying my money for?  I don't want to see some greasy spanish c***s rolling round like fannies on the floor.  We've already got an Argie who does that for us at SJP.

    Think you might have accidentaly subscribed to the wrong Sky package mate :lol:


    That would be a better use of my money.  Although Saturday afternoons would be awkward with the wife and bairn like...

  3. It pisses me off so much that they don't show Saturday 3pm kick offs either.  Considering there are usually 10 prem matches on in a weekend, you'd think that they could show footy on a Sat PM.  What am I paying my money for?  I don't want to see some greasy spanish cunts rolling round like fannies on the floor.  We've already got an Argie who does that for us at SJP.

  4. I honestly couldn't give the tiniest little shit about any of the foreign leagues.  Shit, violent fans, diving that is worst than than the premier league and referees that send a players off for blowing on an opponent.


    It annoys me that Sky wastes so much of my subscription on foreign football that I don't watch.

  5.               Krul


    Simpson Taylor Colo Jose


    Barton Tiote Ireland Jonas


                Ben Arfa




    Firstly Krul would be in goal for me based on the fact i think Harper isn't that much better than Krul and Krul has a lot of years ahead and needs to play in order to improve and become a top goalkeeper for us with the ability he already maintains. Taylor would be ahead of Williamson for me if injury free. I think Ireland would get in my team ahead of Nolan if he proved in training he is fit and raring to go and looking good. I would give Ben Arfa a free role and just let him do what he likes and roam around the pitch. Barton hasn't showed a great deal when being in CM for Newcastle as of yet but has showed quality on numerous occassions this season being on the right, a stand out performer over recent months.









    What do you disagree with?

    Krul in goal?

    Taylor over williamson?

    Barton on the right?

    Ireland over nolan?

    Ben Arfa in a free role?

    Carroll in the starting line up?  :shifty:


    I disagree with so much of this!


    For me we should do:



    Simmo Colo    Willi  Jose

    Barton  Nolan Tiote Ben Arfa

              Carroll Ameobi


    With Ireland on the bench to use as an impact sub.  If he can prove he has it in training.  I wouldn't have signed him in the first place TBH, he is a ultrapenis.

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