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Posts posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. Don't think Europe would be good for us next season, unless we bring in 3 or 4 good players.




    We'd drastically struggle with the current squad depth. Still, wouldn't exactly be disappointed. Love European football, even when playing shitty little teams you've never heard of.


    That's what the back up players are for!  Save the big men for the big teams!


    --------------------- Krul ---------------------


    Perch -- Campbell -- S. Taylor -- Kadar


    R. Taylor -- Guthrie -- Smith -- Ferguson


    -------------- Ranger -- Best ---------------


    This team would beat 90% of the teams in the Europa league.

  2. Don't think Europe would be good for us next season, unless we bring in 3 or 4 good players.




    We'd drastically struggle with the current squad depth. Still, wouldn't exactly be disappointed. Love European football, even when playing shitty little teams you've never heard of.


    That's what the back up players are for!  Save the big men for the big teams!

  3. NO manager will ever get it right with signings 100% of the time.  Just look at some of the dross Alex Ferguson has signed to go with his class signings.


    Oh, and he crumbled like a soggy kit kat when Rooney threw his weight around and now he has a £200,000 per week League One standard player.


    You'll always get some rubbish signings, but they can be moved on.

  4. I think a Taylor/Williamson partnership is a perfectly acceptable second choice pair.  It's when Colo AND Williamson were injured.  Kadar isn't yet ready and Campbell is pure shite.  I think eventually we will need a quality second CB to pair with Colo, but not until we have a quality new striker, a good all round CM, a RW who can cross, and a backup LB.


    We aren't as rich as we used to be!

  5. Fucking hell man, support your club!  I want to see us do well, not become boring also rans.


    All I want is to consolidate steadily and become a real force again with the ultimate goal of becoming like Arsenal are now, but it certainly wouldn't hurt to qualify for Europe and it is definitely within our grasp.  It might take 5-10 years, and avoiding relegation was the first step, but if we can get there more quickly, then all the better.

  6. I think spending 7m on a defender certainly wouldn't get us a better CB than Colo and probably wouldn't get anyone better than Williamson or Taylor.  Would be a huge waste of money and would be the signal for Kadar to leave.


    In these days of financial hardship, where the club is carrying a lot of debt and making a loss, 7m on what is probably our strongest area is the sort of decision that gets clubs to where Portsmouth are now.

  7. I don't know for sure, because he hasn't had a run in the PL, but on balance of probability, Forster has been doing an excellent job for Celtic in the SPL whereas Krul has been adequate in the PL, so I'm putting 2+2 together and hoping for 4.


    If I had to put money on who our first choice keeper would be at the start of the 2012/13 season, it'd be on Forster.

  8. James - Finished YEARS ago

    Johnson - Terrible, dreadful player

    Terry - On his way out, half the player he was

    Carragher - NOBODY rates him outside of Merseyside for good reason

    Cole - Arsehole, probably terrible for team morale, but good player

    Gerrard - Used to be a world class player.  Inconsistent for club, consistently anonymous for England

    Barry - Makeweight

    Lampard - Finished playing a while ago

    Lennon - Solid PL standard player.

    Rooney - League 1 standard.  Nothing more than hype.

    Heskey - WTF?!


    This was the shower of shite who embarrassed us in SA.  EASILY the worst England team and performance in my memory (I'm 27).


    Team that I would pick:





    Terry (The lack of English CBs is shocking!)




    A. Johnson





    Not ideal, but would have done a damn sight better than the gutless wankers who allegedly represent England.

  9. I'd love us to qualify for Europe, doubly so if it was at the expense of the unwashed.


    I also think that we could mitigate the effect on our squad by only fielding youth players in the Milk cup.  That way we can use our reserves for the Euro group stages then use our main squad after that.


    After all, no one cares about the league cup, even the smoggies won it FFS!

  10. FFS man! Some people are only capable of unbelievable expectations or crushing pesimism. WE'RE NOT GOING TO GET RELEGATED!!!! If you can't see that then you're opinion isn't worth putting on here. European  qualification is sixth place, we're seventh. If Pardew is worth anything at all, he'll be using Europe as the target for his players. If we aim for 17th place then we might as well give up all hope of taking points off anyone other than Wet Spam, Wigan or Wolves.


    All those complaining about mid season target changes, gan take yer heids for a shite!

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