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Everything posted by Aiston

  1. I am surprised that so many people seem surprised that Mitrovic isn't trusted by Rafa. He's proven himself a liability, he isn't much of a goalscorer at all either and wastes so many good chances. None of our strikers are good enough, absolutely shocking we didn't sign a decent striker in the summer.
  2. Joselu done nothing but also had absolutely fucking awful service too.
  3. Mitrovic has missed almost as many games due to suspension, than goals he has scored for us. Is it really a surprise Rafa doesn't trust him or has given up on him ?
  4. Playing a bit better lately, looked absolute trash at the start of the season. Similar to Dummett, meh defensively but dog shit going forward.
  5. Amazed they didn't qualify, checked the fixtures and thought 'nah, those shocks in all the games won't happen'. Glad to be wrong.
  6. If he continues being shit at shooting then he will deserve the criticism Mitrovic has gotten. Joselu is a class above Mitro when it comes to movement though, Mitro would never have been in those positions to get a chance on goal.
  7. Don't think Elliot could have done much for the goal due to being a fat shite with awful movement.
  8. Really hate that every single time on corners, he is spending more time pushing a defender in front of him instead of focusing on where the ball is going, we were lucky not to concede at one point due to him doing that.
  9. Can't believe we bought this crock of utter shit.
  10. Aiston

    Jesús Gámez

    Did fine, nothing special.
  11. Can we just lock the thread now until next summer.
  12. None of our keepers have played as well as him and he is very likely still our best keeper. Really don't know why people are so harsh on him Elliot and Darlow are definitely not better than him.
  13. Do we even know what the ref said about the incident ?
  14. He has nearly as many missed games due to bans than he does goals, he is nothing more than a liability.
  15. Absolute fucking liability, just like Shelvey.
  16. Rafa does deserve some of the blame, keeps trying to play the exact same way no matter what, even when he doesn't have the players to do so. It's very frustrating that nothing changes.
  17. Stop playing Diame. Saivet even seems better than him.
  18. Fantastic goal, now turn this around and stop playing fucking shite.
  19. Poor team, seemingly awful tactics and shocking on the pitch from the players. Bad all round including Rafa.
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