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Everything posted by Aiston

  1. Ritchies crossing has been dog shit for awhile now. What a great chance at the end of the half to put a good ball in.
  2. Aiston

    Miguel Almirón

    Still don't believe we are getting him.
  3. Aiston

    Jordan Lukaku

    Not even surprised. Fat fuck probably shouldn't have been nearly a stone overweight mind.
  4. Aiston

    Jordan Lukaku

    At least we know he won't be a Newcastle player in the summer.
  5. Aiston

    Jordan Lukaku

    Strong and fast...tries to take on his man a fair bit and either fails or get's lucky. Rarely seemed to get past someone He does seem to have a better cross than most our players mind.
  6. Aiston

    Gelson Martins

    Collapsed? What a fucking surprise that is...
  7. Mitro might be better than Rondon in the future, no way is he better than him currently
  8. Aiston

    Gelson Martins

    Why do you do this to yourselves, we aren't signing anyone.
  9. I get worried every damn time Yedlin is near the ball or a team attacks where he is. Atsu and Diame have been fantastic mind.
  10. Aiston


    So from being one of our best performers last season and key to keep us up, to now he is utter shit and a 'chancer'. Fuck sake people It's clear playing as a wing back isn't suited to him, so he will struggle. He clearly isn't a shit player.
  11. Would love to know how he's pissed off the refs/ FA mind, he gets absolutely fuck all
  12. Diame is back to his usual self, utter shite. Lascelles doesn't seem like the player he was last season at all either. Lucky not to be sent off.
  13. Title due a change then, needs a bit of the 'ashley apologist' in the title.
  14. Cannot see Mitro doing well with Ranieri's style.
  15. Turns out it was probably offside.
  16. The criticism he is getting from some fans is a disgrace. Good on him giving some back to the dickheads.
  17. Probably deserves the 'Ashley Apologist' next to his name in the thread title now.
  18. Aiston

    Shola Ameobi

    His penalties are still pretty spot on at least.
  19. People questioning Rafa when he got us to 10th last season without Mitro. Mitro even has said he couldn't fit Rafa's system. Mitro also not showing signs of being good enough to change the whole system to suit him.
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