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Everything posted by Punk77

  1. In addition to what Northerngimp has mentioned: The club was interested in giving him a new contract. But Carroll decided he wanted to be the best paid player in the club. And that's an absurd demand they couldn't say yes to. And Carroll was already on a much better contract than Tiote.
  2. He sure is. But what is it with football players and the word delighted. Can't they fluctuate their vocabulary a bit? Using "delighted" all the time makes the interview so artificial.. Like a learned response..Whenever in doubt, "delighted" is the answer...
  3. Spent long enough watching him. Never actually made a bid though. Maybe they didn't see him as compatible with Carroll. I've only seen one match with Copper, latest Old Firm. My impression after that game, is that he's a man with the nose for a goal: good finisher, good runs. But he's not a Bellamy type of player. Which probably what we were after when looking for a striking partner for Carroll.. Or am I completely off the mark now?
  4. In hindsight, I think it was strange that we didn't go for Hooper. He cost only £2.4 mill
  5. Agreed. In fact, it's probable that this deal would not have been possible without the Carroll money. As previously mentioned, the man is now properly paid, meaning that it takes more than petty cash to unsettle him. Now a sale requires that both he and MA are offered silly money. That will fend of the interest of most clubs.
  6. So how was that revelation? :Did you see God?
  7. Punk77

    Joey Barton

    Hopefully Tiote signing today, will give Barton a kick up the backside. He will sign, or else he will face the wrath of God! And who wants that..?
  8. Recap of interview with Tiote and Pardew on SNN http://www.skysports.com/video/inline/0,26691,12602_6777361,00.html Tiote looks so modest and humble when interviewed. Quite different from how he's on the pitch.
  9. Punk77

    John Carver

    GET IN!! I love Carver, seeing him in the NUFC-training gear immediately takes me back to the days of Bobby
  10. does that mean investing the carroll money or the club oweing ashley more than one hundred odd million that it already does ? I think he will get his money back from a total sale of the club. Its better for Ashley to get the club qualifying for europe on a regular basis would make us even more attractive to potential buyers. This 35 million could be a spring board for the club wilst also resigning players like Barton, Nolan, Enrique, Jonas and Colo. We have a good core that could be added to. A club with 52 k fans, well run finances and playing in europe on a regular basis is far more attarctive then the s*** Ashley picked up from the Halls and shepherds. Well pointed out! MA has no interest in selling his stars. That reduces the value of the club accordingly. And it makes it harder for him to achieve success on the pitch. Which again will hurt the club's profit chances. MA knows that NUFC could be a milking machine if he manages to establish the club in the upper tier. Then he could increase the stadium capacity too, which will result in more money.
  11. Tiote is by far and away the most important player in our team. We're still scoring goals without Carroll, but without Tiote we have absolutely no dynamism, no mobility, no athleticism, no bite, no channelled aggression, no foil for our more 'creative' players, and we're a million times better with him in our team. Big statement considering he's only been here 6 months, but I think he's the best player of his type I've ever seen at Newcastle. Imagine him and Rob Lee circa 1993 in the same midfield together.................I just came Spot on!
  12. Could you possible be more depressing? Try to enjoy this great moment instead. BE POSITIVE, !
  13. I don't think anyone would disagree with any of that.
  14. Difference now being he's just had another £8-10m put onto any potential fee, and clubs who might have been thinking, "He's not on much at Newcastle, could probably get him for £40-50k a week", will now have to pay him top dollar in the £70-80k bracket. This contract has pretty much increased the chances of keeping him long term by 60-70%. If someone after that still bids £20m and mega wages, then again, with Carroll, it might be too much to turn down. Indeed! But I doubt that MA will sell him for £20. The lad is adored by the fans, and is pivotal on the pitch. And the only way MA will get acceptance for selling Tiote, is if the offer is too good to refuse. And £20 is not enough. It must be around the sum of Carroll I think.
  15. But that's the difference. He will only be sold for silly money (£40-50). And Tiote is now settled. It's much worse to fend of interest when the player is on a shit contract. That will only induce him to hand in a transfer request. And then we're fucked.
  16. He's one of the best DM (if not the best DM) in PL. £50 a week is not bad for a player of that class. We've struck gold in Titoe, why can't we applaud the club when they now actually do something positive. He's a core member, and his contract should be accordingly. Giving him peanuts and it will just unsettle him when the "big clubs" come knocking in the summer. And his wages are not that bad, compared to what small and medium clubs are paying mediocre players. Gamst Pedersen earns £55 in blackburn. And Carew netted over £60 in Villa. Tiote is miles ahead of them in quality
  17. Why? This deal could be an enforcer in the other negotiations. And I'm pretty sure that bids for Tiote will be placed this summer. But now the player has a contract that reflects his importance for the club, which probably mean that he will not hand in a transfer request. Consequently MA will never sell him, unless an utterly ludicrous sum is offered. IMO Tiote is more important than Carroll. We have already shown that we cope without the latter, but we play shit without the former.
  18. *Very pleased (of course) *The deal signals intent from MA. *Will buy players in the summer. *Want to secure Jonas, Nolan, Enrique and Barton as well. But That depends on supply and demand in the market. The most important factor is that the players themselves must want to stay (indirectly stating that players demanding silly money must be sold) *And that's why Tiote signed. Loves the club and wants to be here..
  19. The big difference is that Carroll demanded to be the best paid player in the club. That's 80 000 a week. And that is too much considering he's just performed half a season in PL. And he's young and likes to drink, that also may hamper his career.
  20. From Sky Sports News. Pardew will be interviewed soon..
  21. I think that's a fair deal considering his performances on the pitch. But £50 a week should be reserved for our top performers only. And Tiote is one of them.
  22. He does. He eats Iniesta for lunch
  23. http://www.nufc.co.uk/articles/20110225/tiote-puts-pen-to-paper_2281670_2301782
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