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Everything posted by Punk77

  1. I think you have to combine those factors you're mentioning. He brought the club to glory through a core of talents: Giggs, Scholes etc. The last seasons, he has however used a shitload of money. BUT (and this is a big but) the main difference between him and for example Chelsea and us, is that he's only interested in players got serious attitude and that FIT the type of football ManU is playing -few touches, fast balls in the longitudinal direction, and constantly distributing the ball to the side in which the opponent is unbalanced In other words he's only buying players that complements each other. That's why for example a limited player like Fletcher thrives in ManU: He's a box player that runs like he got the devil behind him and he's a skilled finisher. Due to the way ManU plays, he will be in frequent finishing positions around the box. And because players are not using many touches, his inapt technique is not revealed. That's also why he played like s*** against Norway, since in the Scottish team he's "the big star" who should do the "great moves," which he in fact is not able to perform. Chelsea and Castle on the other hand has been more important with bringing in big names, rather than contemplating if the player is good for the club, or fits the type of football the team is playing. Chelsea for example bought Ballack only because he at that time was regarded as one of the largest name in football. Never mind that he's a replica of Lampard in his style of football. In the same way, Chelsea went and bought Torres, when they in fact have good enough attackers. What's generally causing their problems is the fact that they have an IDENTICAL midfield. What they actually needed was one or two better wingers, that could provide Anelka and Drogba with crossers and a faster cm that transformed a rather slow and less mobile midfield. In the same way, Castle bought Owen, in a hope that this would signify to the world that the club had ambitions. Never mind all the baggage and economical frenzy he brought with him. Alex doesn't make such blunders, that's why he's on top.
  2. The difference between Arsenal and many other clubs, is that they're not budging on ludicrous wage demands. It's a reason why that club, is one of few in the league that is actually earning money, and is not dependable on money from its owner. They could have kept Hleb and Flamini but then they had to be willing to pay the same salaries as Man U and Chelsea. And those clubs are loosing money each day.
  3. True enough. But we were not in a position to say no when that sizable offer came along. Had been quite another story if they sold Carroll, despite a sound economy. Carroll was sacrificed for the long term of the club. We now have the possibility to acquire some squad depth and keep our best players. That will enhance our chances of Europe, and in the end we will able to say no when the next big money bid. Then it's up to the player if he wants to leave or not. And Gerrard, Terry, Scholes and Giggs would have left their club in a heartbeat if it had been in half the amount of trouble as we've been in. It's easy to stay when you win minimum one trophy each year
  4. Punk77

    Alan Pardew

    Fascinating. It is. Obviously Pardew has given this club some new impetus. Under him, we look much more composed and wiser tactically, especially against the weaker teams.
  5. Punk77

    Alan Pardew

    Cannot argue against his results, which are impressive. Especially when considering all the stuff he had to deal with, as you mention
  6. Not necessarily. The club now has the antennas out for local players, unlike before. And it's often not about talent, it's about serious attitudes and bloody hard work. Most that succeed doesn't have a particular talent for the game, but they're willing to train hard. The real talents, they tend to give up when they reach the point where they cannot float on their god given ability, but must work just as hard as the others. Ole Gunnar Solskjaer spent ours each day training his finishing skills on a wall, John Arne Riise stood up 6 am each day to train before school. So it not necessarily about finding a player with an "internal" talent for football. It's about finding the persons with the right motivations and attitudes. The rest could be taught by the club if they're brought in early enough. If the club have that focus, the options increases significantly.
  7. Very right. You're right, except for one thing: We're never going to find any player who's able to compete with the omnipotent Force that now controls our midfield. But in principle you're spot on. Due to the price on British players, I think we must go abroad if we want to find additions that is good enough to raise the standards of the first XI. The British, we buy young and cheap, and develop them in house..
  8. Just signed for Sheff Wed though. But if we're going to bring in British players, this is the way to do it. Young, cheap and low risk. They see Castle as a huge step and will apply themselves accordingly.
  9. I'm all against buying this lad, but bringing him in NOW on a free transfer is a complete different story. That could radically improve our chances of Europe..GET IN!
  10. In this respect, Carroll's sale could be a necessity for us if we wish to tie Tiote, Enrique and Barton down to lengthy contracts..
  11. If we could sign him on free transfer that would have been a coup though. If UEFA regards racism as a legitimate reason to terminate a contract with immediate effect, he will be a free agent and we could then sign him and play him now. If he gets that status, we're probably not the only club after him though.
  12. I remember how good she (and plenty others) said Boyd was anarl. Only just makes it onto the Boro bench these days. I saw Cooper in the old firm. 2 well taken goals. Boyd is another type of player. He's an inferior version of Van Nistelrooy. A player who lives for tap ins. Consequently, he was good in rangers because he was playing for a dominant team that gave him plenty of crossers. Now however he's in a much weaker side and he's not able to free ride. He must be a part of the build up play, set up other players and etc. And that where he falls through. But if he receives the ball inside the box, without no pressure, it's likely that he will score. Sadly for him, Boro stinks and is not able to put him in those kind of situations
  13. Just wait, King Kenny will fuck up Lpool too, just like he fucked us up. Suarez will be a flop and Carroll will become Woody's brother in law.
  14. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Clean break, it should be absolutely no doubt he will be the same player bar any psychological blocks. Given his ego I doubt we'll see that, though. Exactly. There's a big difference between HBA's break and those of Smith and Eduardo. HBA's bones were broken at the middle of the leg. Smith and Eduardo's bones broke down at the ancle. That fucks up both the ancle and the leg. When a broken bone heals, cartilage is attached to it. This extra cartilage makes the area around the fracture stronger than it was before it got broken. This apply for HBA's case. But for Smith and Eduardo, the same cartilage causes them problems: Since the bones snapped down at the ankle, the cartilage that grows on the bone, hinders the ankle's flexibility. In other words, the ankle will never be the same again. Also I think Smith and Eduardo snapped some tendons too, making the injury even worse. And as we've seen, both those players never fully recovered. So all that's left for HBA is to fix the mental part. But seriously, I want him rested against the most physical teams. The man has such an acceleration that brutes are probably going to miss the tackle completely and take his leg. And yes, I want him rested the next match against City. If De Jong performs such an act once again, I will FUBAR him.
  15. Agree Cronky. Williamson has now started to play like he did before he was replaced by Taylor. As long as he doesn't fuck up, there's no need to substitute him. And Colo works better with Williamson too, and that should NOT be underestimated.
  16. Exactly. In the last 10 matches we've held a clean sheet in 4 of them. If we haven't conceded the two late goals against tham and sland we would have been even better off.
  17. Hopefully not true. Would rather have Manute Bol playing up front than Crouch. He's pure s***! If Crouch is pure shit, where does that leave Reo-Cocker?
  18. Even though Reo is under a free agent, he will not be a cheap investment. Fist of all, Villa is fairly known for rewarding their players with handsome contracts. Second the contract negotiation can have two outcomes. a)he's handed good weekly pay, say £60 000, but then he has to relinquish any sign on fee. b)he could settle for a normal wage of £25 000. That on the other hand will lead to him demanding a sign on fee also. And when we know that Geremi was rewarded a cool £1 mill to sign for us, Reo is not going to ask for less. Either way, we're f***ed. Including everything he will require a sum of £50 000 a week, regardless. And the worst thing about the whole deal? He's a bloody useless footballer with no value at all.
  19. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/newcastle-united/nufc-news/2011/02/22/nufc-to-be-offered-peter-crouch-in-summer-72703-28211801/ Shit journalism. No truth in this.
  20. Really? In this age of abbreviations I though Castle was commonly used in forums Saves me some punching when I shorten club names to Castle, Bham etc. Besides, if you read the Willamson tread, you will find that Dave find my abbreviations irritating..That leaves me with no other choice than to continue using them
  21. Not in the air. Most physical teams like to play long balls.
  22. Agreed! This summer will be exciting. I think the sale of Carroll is a combination of exception and strategy. The price was so good that an exception to the rule of not selling our best players had to be made. Carroll's sale has enabled the club to lay a new strategy: We will try to tie down our best players AND buy some better prospect then we were able to before the sale. If Enrique still leaves, it will be because he decides that he want cl-football, or has been offered a ludicrous salary which Castle could not compete with. If that happens, I'm sure that Castle (due to carroll's money)has stretched themselves very far to keep him. But, all will come together this summer. If we manage to sign up Tiote, Barton and Enrique I'm very satisfied. I'm not sure that this would have been possible without the sale of Carroll.
  23. I think that was their stance until the dire end in the Carroll saga. But when you're literally drowned in money, what can you do?
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