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Everything posted by Punk77

  1. I think you're spot on Brummie regarding the development of football generally. PL got to do as Germany, as I've mentioned before, and the NHL-league in USA. The former has lowered ticket prices, focused on lowering salaries and renovating stadiums. A ticket in Germany can cost as low as EUR 8, which has led to the highest attendance in Europe. NHL have salary restrictions that reflects the leagues total turnover (doesn't know the specifics, maybe some americatoons could enlighten us?) Also the draft policy that NHL has, should maybe be applied in football too. That enables the weaker teams to pick the top prospects first. Eg. Pittsburgh Penguins was in a bade state before they drafted Sidney Crosby, which has turned their luck around. So, imo, supporters have generally a right to complain about how the football is developing. But actually MA is trying to rectify some of these faults: He doesn't want to pay extreme sums to players (which forced us and other clubs to increase ticket prices). He wants the club to be able to stand on its own feet. There are plenty of examples of clubs that are not capable of doing that: City, ManU (deficit each year), Chelsea, Villa, Liverpool, West Ham etc. All these clubs are dependent on cash deposits from their owners to conduct daily management. MA wants us to develop a sound talent policy: Those days where Beardsly, Waddle, Shearer etc escaped us are over. In conclusion, MA swims against the tide here. While other clubs still continue to hurl money out the window, he puts Castle in a sound economical position. Why is that wrong? It's this OVERLY and solely negative view of MA I react on: "The fat man is draining the club, he will sell all our star players for a low sum etc." All of us make errors, we're humans. But we also do good things too. And MA has done some good stuff to rectify his faults. Give the man credit for what is due. He's actually going against Brummie's point about the horrible direction that football generally has taken the last years.
  2. Rio-Cocker is a s*** player. He lacks football intelligence: passes to late and his passing skills are a disgrace. He tends to give the ball away in bad positions, or looses the ball when the team is in counterattack, either through a s*** pass or because he runs with the ball too long. I'll sum him up in six words for you Tenacious tackler, s*** footballer, can't pass. I applaud you!
  3. ManU, Arse, City, Tham, Lpool, Sland, Castle, Burn, Bham, Villa, Bpool, Brom, Bham, Wham. I guess you're pissed off now??
  4. Why type more than you have to, everyone knows which teams I'm talking about
  5. Rio-Cocker is a shit player. He lacks football intelligence: passes to late and his passing skills are a disgrace. He tends to give the ball away in bad positions, or looses the ball when the team is in counterattack, either through a shit pass or because he runs with the ball too long.
  6. You cannot drag the Bolton game and the home game againts Burn into this discussion. First of all, everybody was had a shitty performance against Bolton. Second, our midfield against them consisted of Guthrie and Smith for pete's sake. And Guthrie had just returned from injury. You could put Terry in our defense and he would have struggled big time with that midfield who offered no protection at all. The game home against Burn was first and foremost lost due to errors made by Jonas and Tiote. Against Burn you got to focus on one thing: avoiding unnecessary free kicks and set pieces. Jonas conceded an utterly avoidable free in a decent position (the player stood far out with his back against goal). That again led to Tiote again giving the ball away to Gamst. That early goal transformed the whole game. We pressed like crazy for 80 minutes, and then Roberts scored because Colo sold himself like a cheap slut. Williamson could have done better on that occasion, but it was the first goal that ruined it for us.
  7. We're not going after Cisse. He doesn't fit MA player profile, on which he's been consistent. I hope we were looking at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sotiris_Ninis It says something about how overrated English players are when we're able to get this highly promising prospect for £8 mill (buy out clause), which is approximately the same amout WH will demand for Cole, who's PROVEN scoring ration is a disgrace.
  8. 6-7 is generous in the extreme That's and understatement, especially when we consider what we paid for HBA and Tiote. TBH, I would be furious if we spent more than £2 mill on this player.
  9. Probably says a lot more than a 100 pages of forum discussion. http://www.shieldsgazette.com/sport/football/newcastle-united/black-white/harper_hails_iron_mike_1_3101734 That's exactly what I've tried to point out. Williamson is crucial against physical teams and areal attackers like Zigic. No way Taylor would have won the same amount of headers as Williamson did against Bham.
  10. Same. He will complement Colo perfectly. But took this from wiki: "Additionally, Alex Ferguson negotiated a clause that gives Manchester United first refusal on any offer for the player" Also, cb is not our most acute position. We need attackers, a winger and a lb cover first and foremost.
  11. Indeed! It would be serious fun if we qualified for Europe. That could potentially be a groundbreaking moment for the club: We got money to spend, and will get another windfall if we survive the group stages of the tournament. Also the European spot enables us to compete for the best prospects.. *bulge*
  12. You have some points. If you place an attacker aka Bellamy beside him, and he got to Barton and another winger on the left to constantly provide him with crossers, he could bag some goals. But the fact is that he got a shit scoring ratio. And I think he, despite WH's economical situation, is on a very good contract. In other words, the lad may have potential, but he's not worth £10 mill and a £40 000 a week contract. I will take him, but only on a free transfer or minimal sum (WH may be forced to sell him cheaply if they go down), and if he settles for a wage that is represents his performances on the pitch. He scores one goal in approximately every fifth game. That is not good enough to justify a sweet contract. Sign him on maximum £15 a week, and renegotiate if he delivers
  13. As you mention, it's important to acknowledge that the short-terminism goes both way. It's been persistent with us, but inside the club especially.
  14. I think Ranger will do better if we keep him here rather than loaning him out. What Ranger needs is regular playing time, day in and day out. That did it for Carroll, and the result of Wilshere's loan to Bolton is obvious today. I'd say Ramsay's injury has had more to do with Wilshere's progress, as he's been able to get on the pitch at Arsenal because of it. Wilshere's loan would have gone through, regardless of Ramsey's injury. And it was in Bolton he took the step, which enabled him to push for the Arsenal XI when he came back. Without that loan, he would not have been capable to do that..
  15. I think Ranger will do better if we keep him here rather than loaning him out. What Ranger needs is regular playing time, day in and day out. That did it for Carroll, and the result of Wilshere's loan to Bolton is obvious today.
  16. And the worst thing is that two of their most priced assets, Skjelbreid and Lustig are refusing to sign new contracts. So they have to sell them below real value.
  17. Carroll was rubbish in our relegation season imo. He had no technique and lack of awareness to handle the pace in PL. Championship made him the player he's today. So Ranger is ahead, development-wise. I think he could have the same fantastic development he was loaned out to a championship club next season
  18. Ranger needs to be loaned out next season. And I prefer Loven together with Best. Loven makes those intelligent runs that nobody else in the team does. The problem is that he's not getting the balls he needs. Although Jonas spotted him nicely against Bham. Also Loven makes Jonas better, and visa versa. Loven's series of games have done him good and he's improved for each game. I predicted from him against Bham, and I expect one when we meet Bolton.
  19. Bassong came of course at a bad time. Our attackers blasted so many chances each game. Had they done their job, Bassong's error wouldn't have mattered. Bassong could blame on inexperience, unlike Owen (cunt), Oba, Viduca and Duff. But I generally do not like players who have to use all the dirty tricks in the book to cope: Vidic, Terry and Bassong. The latter still pulls jerseys in Tham. But in principle, you're right..
  20. Bassong had some good games, but it's just as likely that we would have stayed up without him. He was the direct cause of us loosing the game a couple of times, due to his idiotic box challenges (penalty), jersey pulling and red cards. Eg the game home against Everton, where we ripped them apart, but Bassong as last man managed to be expelled due to jersey pulling. Totally avoidable. We subsequently lost that match.
  21. Punk77

    Epic NUFC photos

    I think the two pictures of Sir Bobby with the umbrella are epic. The one with him walking away is my new desktop picture
  22. That's typical for many fans, and applies for us too: everything is black and white (no pun intended). I think some should shift their focus. Instead of constantly being negative, look at the brighter aspects. Before this season the majority was satisfied if we avoided relegation. And it seems like we're doing so, with clear margins. We have a ok squad. We got some of the best talents we've had for many many years. And class acts like HBA, Colo, Enrique, Tiote, Barton, and Ireland (hopefully) That's 6 very good players (only 5 to go). We've lost only one in nine matches. The squad is tightly knitted and we have a sound buying policy. That stands in contrast other clubs are on the other hand going ape on the transfer market. And the club, again in contrary to many other clubs, are getting the economy under control.. And MA is not interested in draining the club for money, for that he needs profit. Selling the best players will only decrease that chance, since there's a tight connection between surplus and results on the pith. In sum, there are many good things going on right now. I have not been this positive since Sir Bobby's days. MA has done some shit faults, but he's obviously making some right decisions too. So please try to be more positive, I find the negative yelling a bit tiresome sometimes.
  23. Holy Moly just looked at his record. Carr get out there in your scout mobile and sign that man immediatly. Strange that we didn't try snap him before Celtic bought him. Will be too expensive now, I think I think it's Phillps you're after: http://www.blackpoolfc.co.uk/page/ProfilesDetail/0,,10432~53280,00.html Actually may not be as much as you might think: http://www.scotzine.com/2011/02/celtic-debt-rises-to-9-million/ Could have some effect on the price, but if Hooper continue this run, there will talks about a england call up. Subsequently the price will go sky high.
  24. Holy Moly just looked at his record. Carr get out there in your scout mobile and sign that man immediatly. Strange that we didn't try snap him before Celtic bought him. Will be too expensive now, I think I think it's Phillps you're after: http://www.blackpoolfc.co.uk/page/ProfilesDetail/0,,10432~53280,00.html
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