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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. having read something about 5/7 pages ago earlier tonight, came back in to read this.... This is what I'm choosing to take notice of....for sanity.
  2. Probably nowt today, but a couple more disapproving letters tomorrow.
  3. The pl will want the money, and also it isn't the Saudi state who will be under scrutiny by their owner and directors test. Getting bored with all of this now.
  4. I'd actually wondered about this tbh. Came to the conclusion it's not worth worrying about as you'd hope the likes of staveley and the Saudis would have looked into it all thoroughly before even attempting a takeover, much the same as you'd hope they'd have expected all of the scrutiny re: human rights etc. At the stage now where I'm just ignoring all the bumps in the road until it's announced one way or another.
  5. Fucks sake this needs to just end for my sanity Not sure I can read much more of these cunts idiotic opinions.
  6. Still firmly of the belief that these attempts to block it will have no effect on the premier league decision tbh.
  7. This. The first thing I’d do, on my very first day, at 9am, is call that disgusting fat twat into the office and give him his P45. Stick with him and there’s not a shred of doubt that we’ll be scraping to safety. The players won’t play for him as they’ll know he’s on the way out one way or another in a few weeks anyway. I'd make Charney do it, then immediately fire hlm Like the clowns at the start of Dark Knight. I like it.
  8. So desperate. 'Saudi Arabia's involvement', doubt they are looking into the entire states involvement when it is only PIF and their director who needs to be checked.
  9. By all accounts its done once the premier league say so, there's no time limit, there's no moving the goalposts.
  10. This 'cans' craic is lifting. Why? Seems so fucking harmless. The forum Taliban have decided its not funny ... Yep, that's it. It makes me cringe, for whatever reason. Apologies for the opinion. Didn't realise people felt so strongly about it also didn't realise it was funny.
  11. CLASSIC LOL. I'd be all for Richard Keys being invited to SJP and going missing Kashoggi styke What's wrong with people?
  12. Too busy responding to all the complaints. R. Keys, Richy K, Richard Keys, Dicky Keysy, Rik Eys are taking up most of their time.
  13. So is that essentially, "Thanks for your concern, but jog on"? That was my reading of it as well, 'we will do what we need to, we don't need you to tell us'
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