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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. If you're in Bruce's shoes, you know you can't change the system! They're all too set in their ways cos Rafa.
  2. Fuck knows what he'd be worth, but he certainly wouldn't have nose dived as he has. Poor fucker.
  3. Can we ban the chronicle yet?
  4. Similar to this season. If they renewed this season, I don't see why they won't do it again. Another season of mediocrity whilst chanting about how they're the loyalest supporters the world has ever seen after another 3% possession shit show at 2 nowt down.
  5. Wilson


    I feel sorry for the fans who have to watch him week in week out, saw him over three games in Christmas and it was soul sucking. Don't, they know what they're paying for.
  6. Bruce trying to organise a team to keep possession and taking away his 'big man' up top.....
  7. Same with Schar. And Lejeune And the Longstaffs And almiron.... This list could go on
  8. Signing for us was confirmation enough that he doesn't give a shit about football tbh.
  9. Yes and people are still buying it. :lol: Just curious.... What exactly do you think these people are buying when you laugh at them? Is it that they believe there's a takeover attempt? (this is where I'm at but don't for one second believe it'll happen) Is it that they believe it'll actually be sold? (fair enough if so) Is it that they believe the absolute bull shit spouted in the rags and twitter? (again fair enough if so) Is it that you believe it's all an Ashley plan, there's no one interested and if people believe otherwise it's laughable? Genuine question by the way because I see a lot of these type of comments and assume it's because the poster thinks it's a 'fakeover' which (to me) means it's an ashley ploy. Which (again to me) is laughable.
  10. I'll be back like a shot if it ever happens like, and I'll love it. Although listening to the enablers banging on about how loyal they are and how they stuck with the club through the bad times will probably have me up on a murder charge.
  11. Not so sure about that, I think some still believe that Bishop and Ashley are puppet masters across the globe and that Staveley is a time wasting tyre kicker.
  12. Yep, with Mike putting the block on it and blaming others.
  13. It's true to be fair. You will struggle to sell something if you won't accept any offers for it. The poor soul.
  14. I have a simple standard these days. I'll believe it when I see the Sports Direct signs coming down. Until then the speculation is all good bantz, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. At all. That won't even happen when we're sold. That's because we won't be sold. I can't see any serious buyer agreeing to let him plaster the stadium with Sports Direct. If it is the Saudis they would probably rather pay him a few million on top to get him to fuck off once and for all. Well, I'm of the opinion that when we are sold, it won't be to someone like the Saudis. It'll be someone Kenyon-esque who will agree to all his bullshit because they haven't really got the money to pay his full 'asking price'. It's the only type of person he'll sell to, it doesn't end well for us imo. That would be less of a sale than a partnership with Fat Mike. Probably with Mike running the show and Kenyon becoming a slightly better informed thumbheed. Exactly It's fully what I expect. I've said it on here somewhere before I think, when he 'sells' he will basically just be stepping back with all of his tat staying with us. Him getting all the benefits he currently has without owning us on paper. Yes, I'm that cynical about him.
  15. I have a simple standard these days. I'll believe it when I see the Sports Direct signs coming down. Until then the speculation is all good bantz, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. At all. That won't even happen when we're sold. That's because we won't be sold. I can't see any serious buyer agreeing to let him plaster the stadium with Sports Direct. If it is the Saudis they would probably rather pay him a few million on top to get him to fuck off once and for all. Well, I'm of the opinion that when we are sold, it won't be to someone like the Saudis. It'll be someone Kenyon-esque who will agree to all his bullshit because they haven't really got the money to pay his full 'asking price'. It's the only type of person he'll sell to, it doesn't end well for us imo.
  16. I have a simple standard these days. I'll believe it when I see the Sports Direct signs coming down. Until then the speculation is all good bantz, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. At all. That won't even happen when we're sold.
  17. It's not really unusual for caulkin to be quiet about takeover rumours. He's not one for jumping on the bandwagon to make a story out of nothing, doesn't make shit up, pretend to be in contact with the inner circle via WhatsApp, nothing like that.
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