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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Aye, nowt to do with the fact that we don't try to succeed on any level, definitely not. Pricks.
  2. They know they don't have to be. Would you warm up before you fought a toddler?
  3. How else could he blame rafa when it falls apart.
  4. It does actually, it will add to the depression of the sold out crowd. Sat there soaking wondering how brucey boys going to pull back the 3 goal margin.
  5. Aids. Please don't let Bruce get a result.
  6. For a man who thinks tactics are nonsense, and clearly doesn't bother with them....what exactly is back to basics? How do you go back to basics from literally sending a team out with no instruction other than to give it a go?
  7. Isn't it more the fact that he seems a bit close to Ashley, seems pretty potless and more likely to accept ashleys terms re advertising and whatever other parts of the club he wants to keep hold of?
  8. Not to mention the lack of direction from his new gaffa right? The fact he's being thrown in with little (or no) useful instructions while he clearly isn't fit speaks volumes of the nacka in charge. Expect to see him scapegoated or out with long term injury soon.
  9. Even that just annoys me now, represents the false hope we had.
  10. Hope he goes there for pennies.
  11. Rafa's an elite manager with a lifetime of experience, and most importantly, patience.. It think it's a very difficult job for most managers, especially the younger ones. Rafa is one of the few who could get results imo. I think as long as they're given some actual coaching and direction, the squad we have is capable of treading water in the league, and by that I just mean avoiding relegation. Bruce has them absolutely clueless with regards to what they should be doing. You're right about Rafa, he's elite and because of that he done more than tread water, he had us further up the table which is more than most could do, but I think there's plenty out there who could get enough from this squad to keep us up.
  12. If it does, it will be pretty hard to enjoy as nufc will be dragged to the bottom with it. Aye, if that's what it takes to get rid of him so be it, but it will definitely hurt.
  13. It's an impossible job for a manager to move the club forward, but it's not an impossible job to tread water with the current squad, unless you're and absolutely clueless 'manager'.
  14. You would think. I still can't fathom why, despite all that's gone on/going on, that people still aren't put off.
  15. Yeah, nailed it. However I'm also fine with Bruce taking pelters in the crossfire, and anyone else working for fatty. They shouldn't be given a free ride just because they aren't the cause.
  16. Fuck Edwards like the prick. As if anyone didn't see what was coming man.
  17. I thought this when I saw him in the tunnel then shaking hands etc I can't actually believe that any players we have, actually want to be here.
  18. Was laughing at the commentators comments at about 43 mins.... Bruce will just want to get them in to steady the ship a bit and regroup. Makes me laugh how they are so out of touch with what we are as a club and what Bruce is. He couldn't fuckin change his boxers never mind a game.
  19. analysis... Really? It's a fuckin awful challenge and no need for it. That's all that needs said.
  20. So true. Unless the sack Bruce within a couple of weeks its curtains. Who would they try next though? By all accounts he was far from first choice. Any manager with a shred of self respect/ability will surely fuck us off. I'm just waiting for the Nolan appointment. There'll be chicken dances all over the East stand.
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