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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Assuming this 7k figure is accurate, we're already around the 45k mark, and still 6 days for that figure to creep up.
  2. Aye, spend a few quid and the masses are back onside. So frustrating.
  3. And, without Rafa, they're being sent out by an utter imbecile. See how that stacks up. My take on it. That sturdy defence will sharp fall to bits once it hasn't got a proper manager giving the instructions. From Rafa and Co. coaching to 'give it your best, run faster, kick it further!'
  4. Best prepare yourselves.....for an epic Mike Ashley/Steve Bruce push towards 17th.
  5. Not even sure that will happen, not en-masse anyway. Thick & thin, support the team, all that bollocks. If they are happy to go now, they've already made their peace with us being a joke, either that or they actually are deluded and think we will amount to something.
  6. Was Pardew I think? Purple jumpers ftw.
  7. No chance it will be over 50k. Well there is a chance. We'll see i suppose.
  8. Still confident it will be 50k+. The boycott certainly won't be visible. Too many people will actually be looking forward to the first game of the season, giving Bruce a chance and seeing our big signing. Numpties.
  9. Felt myself detach from all of this shit with ease again, just blank it all out. Happened before Rafa arrived but he pulled me back in. Then I come on and see this thread again, the fact it exists is fuckin disgusting
  10. Not to mention 2 of those were to scorers.
  11. We aren't buying players to fit into any formation, they are being bought as investments for resale value. In any case, I don't think Bruce has any idea about formations or team shape. As if there's any kind of logic to the targets. Bruce will get what he's given.
  12. Should have left '11th choice' in the title
  13. Gave my ticket up due to fatty a good few year ago now, still watch every game on the box at home and probably will this season. Difference is, this season I will happily watch us get turned over week in week out and laugh at the mugs who've turned up.
  14. Easily imo. Will be loads sold nearer the game. Mugs.
  15. Wilson


    What would the point be, if he is shit we've wasted money, if he's good we sell him next year. Pointless getting invested in a situation like that Think that's what he's getting at. How shit the club has become when nobody is bothered about a new big signing.
  16. Wilson


    I have a vague memory of the way transfer fees are shown in club accounts is spread over the term of the contract....could be wrong like. Also, if he’s any good we’ll be trying to flog him next year and holding clubs to ransom via the 5 year remaining.....which half makes sense It would explain the 6 year shite Yeah that's what i was getting at when I said it'll bump the price. Just wondering what changed his mind from only wanting 3 years to actually doubling that. Mental.
  17. Wilson


    What's happened here? Last time I paid attention he wanted a 3 year deal and Ashley wanted 4. 6 year deal...that'll definitely bump the asking price if he has a good season or 2.
  18. Wilson


    Aye, hope he gets the move to a proper club like he's been promised.
  19. Not happy with his earlier one Sean brings us a follow up ‘I told you so’ He'd have to be right for it to be an 'i told you so'.
  20. If it hasn't by now, it never is going to drop, as evidenced in this thread over the past day or two.
  21. Apart from the money you're feeding him to be shafted constantly.
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