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Posts posted by Wilson

  1. 5 hours ago, Willow said:


    Beth is the absolute pits like, just pure and concentrated negativity. Which is mad seeing how almost everything nufc is positive at the moment. I had to put them on ignore.


    Have to admit my list has grew a lot lately :lol:


    Just constant needless negativity (or horseshit) from some. 

  2. There's something about one of them turning up with a tin of pain and brush that I find hilarious. 


    You'd expect spray paint, get it done quickly and fuck off, but no.... the RRF showed commitment, kudos. 

  3. 19 hours ago, vicente_14 said:

    The slick, two touch way he plays and passes, such beauty in that.

    Works so well the way we play too, keeps the play flowing and the tempo high.

    Perfect for our team and system.


    It's for this reason I just don't feel nervous about any player we bring in regardless of what I thought of the player before they joined us. 


    100% faith in the decision makers. 


    Such a strange feeling after how we were ran for over a decade. 


  4. 1 hour ago, Orphanage said:

    Why would they need to ? Why spunk several hundred million on us if its not imperative as a way of us winning cups , leagues etc ? 


    Because image is very important to them and they shit money. 

  5. Would making the Gallowgate 'symettrical' not affect leazes terrace in some way? 


    Can't picture it in my head, but how far towards Leazes terrace would it have to go up?  Surely even bringing the strawberry corner up to the same as the SW corner would affect the light or whatever it is that stops the east stand from being extended? 


    No idea what the answer is but I hope they can come up with something to give significant enough increase without moving. 

  6. 42 minutes ago, Hovagod said:

    What indication has there been that our owners have any interest in spending the astronomical amount of money a new stadium would cost? As far as I know, the only time they’ve mentioned it at all is to talk about how they never want to leave SJP


    People still ignore this. 


    I'm under no illusions that PIF will call the shots and if they want to move... it'll happen, but it would be a complete u turn from what Mehrdad said in his early interview and he'd have to be pretty bold to state it if it wasn't the message from the top. 

  7. It has honestly crossed my kind tbf :lol:


    I mean, it fuckin depresses me and I expect it, never mind someone Who most definitely isn't used to this absolutely shite July/August. 

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