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Posts posted by Wilson

  1. I remember coming on here every noo and then, seen sensible discussion about the club/team/players. 


    Noo it's pics of nipples and discussions about cgi nipples. 


    I'm not totally against this change. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, KetsbaiaIsBald said:

    Don’t get me wrong. By all probabilities I think it’s really unlikely he did it. But I just find it really hard to believe that a serious “gangster” would do it either.  

    Something doesn’t sit right with me.  

    The most likely reality is that a bunch of wannabe kids thought this was big time. 


    Not that I have any clue about this, but the main story seems to be it was the traveller family. 

  3. 11 hours ago, Dr Venkman said:

    Would be canny scary I reckon, people with families there and there’s radgies joy riding around with guns.


    Aye, mates bairn was video calling him absolutely terrified, I a lot of kids get in there with mates. 


    Lots of families as they liaise with local schools quite a bit, also playing Gateshead/last day of school.  


    I drove past before the game when it was 'filling up' and mentioned taking the bairns down as we haven't been for a while.... pleased I didn't, don't need them seeing that live, they had enough questions when they saw all the videos on their group chats ? 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Miggys First Goal said:

    Seems like his lass is a fan of Grey Street and Grey’s Monument from her Instagram stories. 


    Show me someone who isn't a fan and I'll show you a mackem. 

  5. 10 hours ago, Dr.Spaceman said:

    'kin hell, it's him isn't it. One of the more recognisable Newcastle fans is a massive racist. How depressing.





    Fucks sake.  Lifting. 

  6. 5 hours ago, et tu brute said:

    It's funny as fuck how they constantly go on about gravy stains as a way of trying to counteract the cheesy chips and panda pop. Every lie about seeing a 'mag' shirt, which is always someone overweight and has a gravy stain. Both pretty pointless, but still funny how they think it's actually something we give a fuck about.



    :lol: do you really think they give a fuck about 'cheesy chips and panda pop'?  Probably about as much as I give a fuck about the gravy stained carry on.



  7. 2 hours ago, STM said:

    Anyone else notice that his lass looked to be carrying some sort of pamphlet or welcome pack? (Probably a list of lads numbers that had been thrown at her).


    We are such a well run outfit now. I would give my left nut to find out what Eddie and Sandro talked about. Their embrace was lush and seemed like they were familiar with one another.


    Also, was that Howes scout brother/cousin or whatever? Seems a good idea for Howe to have his own man on the scouting team.


    Nephew I think. 

  8. 9 minutes ago, Willow said:


    What's the status of a new training ground, have we found a spot for it or even begun?

    I've forgotten but knew that we've revamped some of the current one


    Not a Scooby Doo, just know it'll happen at some point over the next year or 2.


    We need somewhere fancier to show these world players around. 

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