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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. 100%....and this is the only fuckin club in the world where we have to think of this type of situation. Absolute shit storm constantly.
  2. Liven up ffs Mourons. Seriously though... Good stuff. Not got time to read through everything now... Will be catching up tonight
  3. Pleased things seem to be mouving forward.
  4. Agree with this tbh. Not so sure about being allowed to spend that much mind But aye, this doesn't end how we all want it to.
  5. Who were these other fake sheikhs? And who's this fucking source? Steve Wraith? Him and GE sat having a pint ringing The Mirror.
  6. Hope he doesn't want to come back in when everyone's rejoicing.
  7. Should just put it in a takeover tracker thread again, with only the info that matters as the first post and update with anything relevant and concrete. - Group say terms agreed - Club confirm group are genuine - Group forced to make another statement (due to twitter knackers/journos talking shit left right and centre) saying agreed, signed & sent to PL, proof of funds also sent - Club say no comment - PL say no comment/ask NUFC That's literally all that matters. Everything else from journalists is guess work.
  8. You obviously missed the 112 pages about the Indonesian debacle. Riveting. Worst thing is I think I've read every fucking comment.
  9. Basically. Does my head in We don't need to know, in fact the longer we don't hear anything from the club the more positive it is. Unless we haven't heard anything by the time Rafa leaves.
  10. I have seen a few who seem to think he's behind it all like.
  11. Aye, with a bit of luck he's been mouved on.
  12. Despite it all being bullshit, I hope there's some random rumour that pops up later to keep me entertained in the office today
  13. Am I imagining things but didn't Douglas reply to this dhalajmy on Twitter saying something like 'follow me I'd love to talk'? then a bit later started claiming he'd heard stuff from his 'sources'? Please just ignore everything other than official statements. Pete Graves asked some guy called Hamed to follow him because he’s love to talk. Wires crossed then...
  14. Am I imagining things but didn't Douglas reply to this dhalajmy on Twitter saying something like 'follow me I'd love to talk'? then a bit later started claiming he'd heard stuff from his 'sources'? Please just ignore everything other than official statements.
  15. The whole Friday thing is bollocks like I do believe something is going on, but we're not going to hear anything new today.....apart from more bullshit from straw clutching journos.
  16. I can already feel myself changing.
  17. Busy blowin' Dixie double-four time. Don't think he minds if he doesn't make the scene tbh.
  18. Despite the absolute AIDS that it turned into today, I agree. Kept me entertained in the office.
  19. Any news on the £2bn indonesian investment?
  20. Tell us how it's all a lie and Mike is going nowhere please. I need a break from indonesian investment deals that may or may not of happened.
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